unfortunatelly maintenances regarding this topic are not finished yet. It turned out configuring both IP ranges on the head nodes / balancers is way to complicated. Additionally not all other hosts have been renumbered.
Thats why I announce the maintenance of the following hosts for
tomorrow 1800 UTC - 2100 UTC
hemlock.toolserver.org. clematis.toolserver.org. willow.toolserver.org. hawthorn.toolserver.org. submit.toolserver.org. daphne.toolserver.org.
On Friday I will do a really big maintenance and renumber the head nodes (damiana & turnera) and the web servers (ortelius & wolfsbane)
1900 UTC - 2359 UTC (hope to not need this window completely)
Since a lot of testing has to be done I really appreciate any help you can give here.
Kind regards Marlen