Hello all,
in 3h the 15th of May will be over and with it the time span you (the TS-
users) have had to organize and create a MMP for future interwiki-bot-running.
No process was done (even after a few users sent mails to the mailinglist) and
so it is up to me now to handle the situation: I created the MMP
"langlinksbot" now. Only this MMP is allowed to run (non-testing) interwiki-
bots on the toolserver.
If you run a interwiki-link-bot on the TS, please stop it now because it is
against the rules to run it; there will be time until Sunday 24:00 UTC to do
it yourself, after Sunday the roots will disable bots when they find them.
To let the TS not be completely interwiki-bot-less, I added Toto Azéro as the
only member of the MMP. I will not add other users at the moment; organize it
To summarize again which bots are NOT affected:
* Any bot that does not interwiki(/langlink)-links, or
* bots that run only for short time, or
* bots which are run by other MMPs
Userpage: [[:w:de:User:DaB.]] — PGP: 2B255885