Now the script works, but I still don't understand! I was advised to get the site and a page ad its _getActionUser('block') method. The but ran as BinBott and at _this point_ it asked for my sysop password. I wrote it. After this I ran my blocking script again, and it worked fine!!! But it didn't ask me for the password itself. I try to copy the relevant lines of my script here: tag=u'Teszteszter' user=userlib.User(site,tag) if user.block(expiry='infinite', reason=blockmessage): pywikibot.output(u'%s blokkolva van.' % else: pywikibot.output(u'%s blokkolása nem sikerült.' %
If you are logged in as BinBot it wouldn't asked for the sysop password. Either log in as sysop or create a new directory and use one for the bot and one for sysop operations.
Greetings xqt
But my config has: usernames['wikipedia']['hu'] = u'BinBott' sysopnames['wikipedia']['hu'] = u'Bináris' Once it is not logged in, it should ask for a password, shouldn't it?