Hi all,
is there a way to set both SDC labels and SDC claims in one single
wbeditentity API call? I tried to pass a dictionary with the following
structure as data payload:
{'claims': [{...}, {...}, {...}], 'labels': {'de': 'german...', 'en':
'english ...'}}
but this triggerend an API error:
pywikibot.exceptions.APIError: not-recognized-array: An array was
expected, but not recognized.
Based on this error message, I assumed that the labels should get
passed as list, too:
{'labels': [{'language': 'de', 'value': 'de...'}, {'language': 'en',
'value': 'en...'}], 'claims': [{...}, {...}, {...}]}
but that gave me a different error:
pywikibot.exceptions.APIError: param-illegal: You need to provide
either an entity "id", or a "site" and "page" combination, but not both.
Am I doing something wrong? Or is setting both SDC labels and SDC
claims not supported?
Thanks for any help!