I have modified solve_disambiguation.py in order it leaves a notice on user's talk page if a subpage of his/hers has been edited by the disambiguation robot. Main idea was that on subpages there are very often articles under construction, and correcting the links in them should be in accordance with the author's purpose. I never edit the userpage itself, only subpages, if this seems to be the owner's purpose.
Is anybody interested in publication of such a code? This stands after modifying refPage:
if refPage.namespace()==2: UserSubPage=refPage.titleWithoutNamespace() try: UserPage=UserSubPage[:UserSubPage.index('/')] except ValueError: UserPage=UserSubPage UserTalkPage='User vita:'+UserPage wikipedia.output(UserTalkPage) EditComment = u"Figyelmeztetés felhasználói allap változtatására" WarnText=u'\n==Egyértelműsítés felhasználói allapon==\n' WarnText+=u'A(z) [[%s]] lapon módosítottam egy (vagy több) hivatkozást, amely a(z) [[%s]] egyértelműsítő lapra mutatott. [[User:BinBot#Egyértelműsítési irányelvek|Szívből remélem]], hogy ez megfelelt a szándékaidnak. Ha nem, akkor [[user vita:Bináris|a gazdám nevében]] elnézést kérek. ~~~~' % (refPage.title() , disambPage.title()) site=wikipedia.getSite() page = wikipedia.Page(site, UserTalkPage) page.put(page.get()+WarnText, EditComment, minorEdit=False) #TODO: # - to put the notification into a try/except # - to translate the texts and internationalizing them if there is any attention to make this utility public
I am not familiar with Sourceforge methods, that's why I tell you here. I need help in publication, but I don't mind if nobody is interested in doing that, becuse I wrote it for myself.