I recently started using pywikipedia-scripts again after some time-out. Now when i try to output page content to screen using
gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat) for page in gen: text = page.get() print page.title
The correct output is (for example for a page with the name 1095)
<bound method Page.site of Page{[[1095]]}>
Can anyone tell me how to eliminate the
<bound method Page.site of Page{[[]]}>
I only need the page name
thnks in advance
On Fri, March 28, 2008 5:54 pm, ruud habets wrote:
I recently started using pywikipedia-scripts again after some time-out. Now when i try to output page content to screen using
gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat) for page in gen: text = page.get() print page.title
Can anyone tell me how to eliminate the
<bound method Page.site of Page{[[]]}>
I only need the page name
You are printing the method, not the method's return value ;) Use print page.title() instead of print page.title
(the first calls the page.title method and prints its return value, the second prints the method *itself*)