Hi all,
I'd like to share with you an event hosted by Europeana (one of our partners in GLAM) about the DSM (directive on copyright in the single market). Paul Keller (consultant on copyright policies, vice-chair of Kennisland (Amsterdam), and active for Creative Commons international) will be speaking this Thursday 16-17 (UTC+1).
Vriendelijke groet, Ciell
Begin doorgestuurd bericht:
*Van: *Ariadna Matas ariadna.matas@EUROPEANA.EU *Onderwerp: **Webinar DSM Directive* *Datum: *1 december 2020 om 11:37:58 CET *Aan: *EUROPEANA-COPYRIGHT@LIST.ECOMPASS.NL *Antwoord aan: *Ariadna Matas ariadna.matas@EUROPEANA.EU
Dear all,
I wanted to remind you of the webinar taking place on Thursday about "The copyright directive: new approaches to the public domain and to out of commerce works" with guest speaker Paul Keller https://twitter.com/paul_keller?lang=en.
The webinar will take place on Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 16:00 – 17:00 CET and you can sign up and find out more via this link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/new-approaches-to-the-public-domain-and-to-out-of-commerce-works-tickets-124533293433 .
The webinar is part of a longer webinar series primarily intended at Europeana data partners. You can read more about it here https://pro.europeana.eu/post/copyright-when-sharing-data-with-europeana-introducing-a-new-webinar-series, and also feel free to check out our webinars page https://pro.europeana.eu/page/webinars for more!