How do people feel about petitioning the Librarian of Congress for a general copyright exemption for API header files and documentation in light of the recent Oracle vs. Google Android Java verdict?
Has the Foundation already petitioned or supported a petition for a general copyright exemption of taxpayer-funded research?
I think it is very clear we should certainly do both if we haven't already.
Even better, how about petitioning the three federal judges comprising the Copyright Royalty Board to institute a sliding scale for audio royalty distributions so that the market supports the 1970s era pre-mass consumer copying levels of artist demand? The CRB can return both wages for songwriters and musicians as a percentage of GDP and royalty distribution incidence in terms of new, small, developing, and established (e.g. top-40) artists to pre-mass piracy levels by issuing a sliding scale royalty schedule, which controls what YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, Apple, etc., pay when people legally stream music.