(probably this can be commented by more qualified people than myself)
TL;DR Chile's government (Subsecretaria de Telecomunicaciones, SUBTEL) has issued a circular (i.e. an explanation of the law), called circular n. 40[1], earlier in April this year stating that zero-rating go against the Chilean net neutrality law in force (spec. disposition n. 6 and 7. of law n. 18.168)[*]. Today SUBTEL has "confirmed to us [WMF and Wikimedia Chile] that the new order was not intended to prevent Wikipedia Zero and similar free knowledge initiatives"
Well, in one word this is, for sure, "a thing".
[1] http://www.subtel.gob.cl/transparencia/Perfiles/Transparencia20285/Normativa... [*] {{es}} (end of page 1) "La estructura de la oferta en comento, importan a juicio de esta autoridad una contravención a las normas que en la especie regulan y prohiben conductas discriminatorias de contenidos, aplicaciones o servicios, que integran el principio de Neutralidad de Red contenidas en la normativa sectorial, y en particular al texto del articulo 24o H letra a) de la Ley [dispuesto 6o y 7o de la Ley no. 18,168]" {{en}} "The structure of the offers under scrutiny, imply to the judjement of this authority an infringement of the norms ... which regulate and prohibit conduct of discrimination of contents, applications or services which constitute the principle of Net Neutrality contained in the sectorial norms, and in particular in the text of the article 24th H letter a) of the [aforementioned] law"