2016-04-04 19:44 GMT+02:00 Ryan Kaldari rkaldari@wikimedia.org:
[Warning: This is a lawman's analysis. I'm not a lawyer.]
Wow, this is a pretty incredible decision. It seems the Swedish Supreme Court has gutted the country's Freedom of Panorama law (for all works including buildings) by simply declaring that the the law's statement that "Works of art may be reproduced..." ("Konstverk får avbildas...") doesn't apply to the internet.
Not necessarily – you're still free to post your vacation pictures on Instagram or Facebook, for example, as I understand it. But for us that's almost irrelevant: if you want to make information about public spaces available to the public, you need to do so in a structured way and they need to be able to easily find it.
But it's just to roll up our sleeves and start the legislative fight, I suppose.
//Johan Jönsson --