James Salsman, 09/03/2014 03:16:
Dear Federico:
Do you have time to re-do the European community survey, or know any trusted community members who do? I am nowhere near Europe. Any trusted community member can update the questionnaire, and I am sure you could get volunteers to help translate it: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/General_User_Survey/Questionnaire
Furthermore, there are some pretty obvious reasons why anyone at the Foundation or any Foundation-funded entity has a conflict of interest when trying to administer such surveys, which manifests in ways which we should try to reduce. The last time I tried to run a survey I was accused of violating a proposal. That makes it much harder for me to run another one than it would if you did. I am confident that the permissions involved will be restored, because I am confident that the Foundation will try to make amends for their mistake someday. It took me about 60 hours for 330 enwiki administrators, but there were complicated issues and questions to which I still have not received a response.
Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.