Hi Dimi
I see from this communication, published last week, that the Commission
is assessing options and will consider legislative proposals on other EU exceptions by spring 2016, in order to:
* allow public interest research organisations to carry out text and data mining of content they have lawful access to, with full legal certainty, for scientific research purposes; * provide clarity on the scope of the EU exception for 'illustration for teaching', and its application to digital uses and to online learning; * provide a clear space for preservation by cultural heritage institutions, reflecting the use of digital technologies for preservation and the needs of born-digital and digitised works; * support remote consultation, in closed electronic networks, of works held in research and academic libraries and other relevant institutions, for research and private study; * clarify the current EU exception permitting the use of works that were made to be permanently located in the public space (the 'panorama exception'), to take into account new dissemination channels.
Do you know what will happen in practice? Will there be draft legislation in the spring, and will we get any chance to influence the wording?
Best regards
Michael Maggs
Chair, Wikimedia UK