We did another round of guerrilla testing for VE on mobile today. Overall it was much improved from the last tests! Especially these changes: X icon to back icon, arrow icon to word "next", save page updates, and the switch between edit modes.
Here are those findings:
- Used back button and it did what they expected - Hesitated when asked to save but all were able to find "Next" button - Filled out the save screen appropriately, although 1 person said it looked like an error screen at first - When asked to switch to wikitext, tapped gear icon almost immediately, but several people still struggled with "edit" and "edit source" language. Everyone also struggled with the pop-up asking them to save before switching.
But the link and reference context bars really failed the user tests. :( Most did not notice that the icon in the toolbar was highlighted. Nobody even noticed the context bars, and didn't know what they meant when I pointed to them.
More notes https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Design/Research/VE_on_mobile#July_30.2C_2014_...
I would suggest we try adding blue links that say "edit link" and "edit citation" in those context bars, to show a user what they'll be doing specifically. The taller height will also make the bar more noticeable. Then we can test again!
Thanks, Kaity