We could also place announcement of the creation of Wikimedia Indigenous Languages in the different medias used by Wikimedia, i.e. the Wikimedia blog, the Signpost, etc.
If any of you have contacts writing those, please ask them to put a little line about WIL in the next issue.
2012/9/19, Carlos Colina jewbask@wikimedia.org.ve:
First of all, I'm very sorry I couldn't make it to the first meeting -I miscalculated the timing. Please accept my apologies..
Now, back to the topic, we could post banners or something on small wikis +the incubator, don't you think?
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Etienne Beaule betienne@bellaliant.netwrote:
Make messages to small wikis.
On 2012-09-19 2:28 PM, "JP Béland" lebo.beland@gmail.com wrote:
Good day,
So one of the points identified during the first Wikimedia Indigenous Languages meeting was for the need of promoting WIL itself among the Wikimedia community so we can gather more people. Does any of you have idea or suggestion on how to carry that?
I think it will also be important to promote WIL outside of the Wikimedia community, but perhaps we should wait to be more "established" before doing that.
Thanks, JP Béland
Languages mailing list Languages@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/languages
Languages mailing list Languages@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/languages
-- "Imagina un mundo en el que cada ser humano tiene la posibilidad de acceder a la suma de todo el conocimiento. Ese es nuestro compromiso."
Carlos Manuel Colina Tesorero A.C. Wikimedia Venezuela J-40129321-2 +58-416-9051946