[teampractices] Request for input: how do your teams provide feedback to team members?

Kevin Smith ksmith at wikimedia.org
Tue Mar 7 22:45:56 UTC 2017

Discovery[1] has not had any formal practices in place so far, aside from
regular team retrospectives and annual reviews. We are looking into adding
feedback tools, with Erika taking the lead on that. We are also considering
some sort of workshop or session to help everyone learn how to be more
effective both at giving feedback, and receiving it.

I should mention that I think Discovery members are already above average
when it comes to thanking and praising each other. The main reason we
started talking about feedback was that some people don't feel like they
receive enough constructive feedback that would help them know what areas
they should focus on improving.

Thanks for starting this thread. I hope to learn from it.

[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Discovery

Kevin Smith
Agile Coach, Wikimedia Foundation

On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Grace Gellerman <ggellerman at wikimedia.org>

> Hi, TPG List
> Recent years have featured a move away from the form of feedback given in
> the long arc of the annual performance review  [1] to more frequent and
> continuous means. [2] [3]
> The Team Practices Group has experimented with a couple of methods of
> conveying feedback in a tighter loop such as using an app or reserving part
> of our regular meetings to share "appreciations."
> I would be grateful for any input you all could share on how often and by
> what means do members of your respective teams give each other feedback?
> Many thanks,
> Grace
>  [1] https://hbr.org/2016/02/fixing-performance-appraisal-
> is-about-more-than-ditching-annual-reviews
> [2] https://hbr.org/2015/08/ges-real-time-performance-development
> [3] http://www.businessinsider.com/ibm-now-uses-the-ace-app-to-give-and-
> receive-real-time-feedback-2016-5
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