As the zero team starts to think about pre-loaded content the question of how search will function within an off line environment has come up. While it'll be up to each individual community to think about the size of the pre-loaded we should think about these collections being longer than a user would want to scroll through given only our article title search.
Thus i'm eager to get a discussion going abut how we would support the following users story
"As a user who has a Wikipedia pre-loaded device with little or no internet connectivity, I would like to search by article text, so that I can find multiple articles that could be relevant to me"
Given this, an article title search is not good enough.
* What would we have to change about our underlying data storage architecture to do full text search? * How fast would it be? * Would it scale to 100's/100's/etc on articles ? * What would the user experience look like? ...
* ... other bits i haven't thought about ?
This is not at a resourced feature level discussion yet but I'd like to get some engineering thoughts on it before we get there.