Hello Mobile!
Fairly recently, a code cleanup in Mantle caused a back compatibility issue with several other extensions such as MobileFrontend and ZeroPortal. It could have been caught if, when the Mantle patch has been proposed, we had Jenkins to run the tests of the other extensions.
Over the summer I wrote code that supports testing extensions together and I wrote an RFC which got approved [RFC] I am now looking for extensions to tests together and the mobile related ones seems to be good candidate.
If you agree, I will craft a Jenkins job that clones:
- Mediawiki core + Vendor - JsonConfig - Mantle - MobileApp - MobileFrontend - WikiGrok - ZeroBanner - ZeroPortal
And run the MediaWiki PHPUnit test suite. The new job, will be triggered for changes made on any of those repositories and be non voting while it is being refined. Once we are happy about it, I would remove the '-testextension' jobs and make it voting.
Next, we can reuse the same logic for -qunit and -qunit-mobile jobs and ends up with well integrated set of repositories.
The evil plan for next year, is to extend that to all extensions deployed on the Wikimedia cluster.
[RFC] tis a long read https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/RFC/Extensions_continuous_integration