Hello everyone!
This is our first (and hopefully last!) release candidate for the Wikipedia App (v1.1 for Android and v3.1 for iOS). This build will be released for distribution if no major bugs are found. So please hammer it to shake out any bugs. People who find blocker bugs will have the honor of pointing and laughing at me while I cut another RC :)
You can download the RCs from here:
Android: http://dumps.wikimedia.org/android/Wikipedia-v1.1RC1.apk (http://bit.ly/wpandroid11rc1) Open the .apk in your device and install.
iOS: http://dumps.wikimedia.org/iOS/Wikipedia-V3.1RC1.ipa (http://bit.ly/GHQ7k4 ) Download the ipa, drag it into iTunes, and sync! NOTE 1: If you haven't given us your UDID then this IPA will NOT work for you. We need to have your IPA before we build a new version in order for it to work. If your try the IPA and find that it wont install then follow these instructions and then send us your UDID (http://www.innerfence.com/howto/find-iphone-unique-device-identifier-udid) NOTE 2: If you tested our beta2/beta1 on iOS, please uninstall the previous beta from the device before installing this one.
Load it up on your Android/iOS Devices (Phones & Tablets) and give it a spin. Use it as you normally would, and tell us where it goes wrong. You can leave feedback at the following Wiki pages:
iOS: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects/WikipediaMobileiOSFeedback#V3... Android: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects/WikipediaMobileAndroidFeedbac...
The biggest change for iOS are addition of Sharing options (Twitter, Facebook and ReadItLater), while for Android it was minor fixes for ICS and Honeycomb.
Changes since the previous beta are: ## Android v1.1RC1 & iOS v3.1RC1 ##
## Common ##
- Added CREDITS for all libraries used + appropriate licensing - Updated AUTHORS list - Fixed RTL bug in Settings Page - Fixed bug with confusion over Hebrew language code - Fix issue with scrolling when tapping references
## Android specific ##
- Fixed clipping of text in About page - Fix scrolling bugs in ICS
## iOS specific ##
- Added Share via Twitter - Added Save to Read It Later - Added Share via Facebook - Added a few more Higher resolution icons
Full CHANGELOG is available here:https://github.com/wikimedia/WikipediaMobile/blob/master/CHANGELOG
For a more complete list of features, check our previous beta announcements: http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mobile-l/2012-March/005436.html We do have a *lot* of features, so do test them all out!
And just to re-itreate, you can leave feedback at the following URLs:
iOS: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects/WikipediaMobileiOSFeedback#V3... Android: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects/WikipediaMobileAndroidFeedbac...
You can also come catch us on #wikimedia-mobile on IRC.