Hello everyone!
Since our Android and iOS codebases have now been unified, we'll be making releases for both platforms at the same time now. We now have beta3 of the Wikipedia App for Android v1.1 release and beta2 of the Wikipedia App iOS v3.1 release for testing!
For people who just want to get the betas:
Android: http://dumps.wikimedia.org/android/WikipediaMobile-v1.1beta3.apk (http://bit.ly/wpandroid11beta3) Open the .apk in your device and install.
iOS: http://dumps.wikimedia.org/iOS/Wikipedia-3.1beta2.ipa Download the ipa, drag it into iTunes, and sync! NOTE 1: If you haven't given us your UDID then this IPA will NOT work for you. We need to have your IPA before we build a new version in order for it to work. If your try the IPA and find that it wont install then follow these instructions and then send us your UDID (http://www.innerfence.com/howto/find-iphone-unique-device-identifier-udid) NOTE 2: If you tested our beta1 on iOS, please uninstall the previous beta from the device before installing this one.
Load it up on your Android/iOS Devices (Phones & Tablets) and give it a spin. Use it as you normally would, and tell us where it goes wrong. You can leave feedback at the following Wiki pages:
iOS: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects/WikipediaMobileiOSFeedback#V3... Android: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects/WikipediaMobileAndroidFeedbac...
Changes since the previous beta are:
### Common ###
- Tap area in settings dialog much bigger - Switch to up-to-date styles from MobileFrontend, instead of using stale copy - Switch to up-to-date js for toggling from MobileFrontend - Fixed about screen's back button behaving inconsistently - Don't clear map markers when you move around in NearMe view - Show spinner when going from NearMe view to article
### Android specific ### - Moved Share Page item to main menu
### iOS specific ###
- Scroll bug in about screen fixed - Map tiles actually show up
For a more complete list of features, check our previous beta announcements: iOS (http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mobile-l/2012-February/005393.html) and Android (http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/mobile-l/2012-February/005379.html). We do have a *lot* of features, so do test them all out!
And just to re-itreate, you can leave feedback at the following URLs:
iOS: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects/WikipediaMobileiOSFeedback#V3... Android: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Projects/WikipediaMobileAndroidFeedbac...
You can also come catch us on #wikimedia-mobiel on IRC.