---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Martijn de Waal mw@dds.nl Date: Apr 20, 2005 6:23 PM Subject: e-culture fair 2006 in the netherlands To: zh.wikipedia@gmail.com Cc: shizhao@gmail.com
My name is Martijn de Waal, I am a writer and researcher from the Netherlands. Currently I am doing some work for the E-culture Fair, a grass roots conference on digital culture to be hosted in the Netherlands in 2006.
The E-culture Fair is a biennial new media event in which new technologies are showcased and the impact of technology on culture and society is discussed. Goal of the e-culture conference is to bring specialists together from culture, research, business and industry. The event is organized by several Dutch think tanks and NGO's, and is sponsored by the Dutch Government. Dutch Minister of Culture (staatssecretaris) Medy van der Laan was one of the speakers at the most recent E-culture Fair. We are very much interested in grassroots inititaives such as Wikipedia or creative commons.
More information can be found at the website
For the 2006 edition of the e-culture fair, the organization is turning its focus to the East, and is interested in learning about interesting or promising new media initiatives in China. We are looking for innovative products, applications, research projects, art works, design, methods of storytelling, education or communication.
I will travel to Beijing and Shanghai in the first two weeks of may to make some initial contacts, and I was wondering whether anyone at your team would be around in those places during that period, whom I could invite for a cup of coffee or tea?
Martijn de Waal Curator China E-culture Fair 2006