I am writing to let you know that Pygments, the library we use for syntax-highlighting, has been updated to the latest release (version 2.1) in the SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi extension and across Wikimedia wikis. This release includes support for 53 new languages and language variants.
They are listed below, with the lexer name (the string to use as a value for the 'lang' attribute of <syntaxhighlight lang=...> tags) in parenthesis:
- ABNF ("abnf") - ADL ("adl") - Arduino ("arduino") - BC ("bc") - BNF ("bnf") - Boogie ("boogie") - CAmkES ("camkes", "idl4") - CPSA ("cpsa") - CSS+Mako ("css+mako") - Component Pascal ("cp", "componentpascal") - Crmsh ("pcmk", "crmsh") - Csound Document ("csound-csd", "csound-document") - Csound Orchestra ("csound", "csound-orc") - Csound Score ("csound-score", "csound-sco") - Earl Grey ("earlgrey", "earl-grey", "eg") - Easytrieve ("easytrieve") - Elm ("elm") - Ezhil ("ezhil") - Fish ("fishshell", "fish") - FortranFixed ("fortranfixed") - HTML+Mako ("html+mako") - Hexdump ("hexdump") - J ("j") - JCL ("jcl") - JavaScript+Mako ("js+mako", "javascript+mako") - LessCss ("less") - MSDOS Session ("doscon") - Mako ("mako") - ODIN ("odin") - PacmanConf ("pacmanconf") - ParaSail ("parasail") - PkgConfig ("pkgconfig") - PowerShell Session ("ps1con") - Praat ("praat") - QML ("qbs") - QVTO ("qvt", "qvto") - Roboconf Graph ("roboconf-graph") - Roboconf Instances ("roboconf-instances") - Shen ("shen") - SuperCollider ("sc", "supercollider") - TAP ("tap") - Tcsh Session ("tcshcon") - Termcap ("termcap") - Terminfo ("terminfo") - Terraform ("terraform", "tf") - Thrift ("thrift") - TrafficScript ("trafficscript", "rts") - Turtle ("turtle") - TypeScript ("typescript") - X10 ("xten", "x10") - XML+Mako ("xml+mako") - cADL ("cadl")
J and BNF were previously supported by mapping them to other languages with close-enough syntax: Objective-J and Extended BNF, respectively. Each of those now has a dedicated lexer, so the highlighted output should hew more closely to the language definition.
For more information on SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi and Pygments, see: - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi - http://pygments.org/
Ori Livneh Perf Team