The second edition of the Tech News newsletter was just published:
As a reminder: The Tech News weekly summaries help you monitor recent and upcoming software changes likely to impact you and your fellow Wikimedians.
Please consider translating this page into your language(s), and advertising it to your fellow editors on your wiki.
If you haven't already, consider subscribing to get the next edition directly on your talk page:
This is the second edition of a newsletter that we'll try to send on a weekly basis. This is an ambitious goal, so please consider contributing, even if it's just to add a link to a new feature or recently-fixed bug:
We've fixed a few things based on the feedback provided on the first issue. Feedback is still encouraged and appreciated.
Please help us make this better and more useful to you. You can comment here or on the talk page:
-- Guillaume Paumier Technical Communications Manager — Wikimedia Foundation