Hello. I'd like to get some feedback about how Wikispecies is going. It's difficult to tell from looking at the pages here whether the project is going well or not. Specifically, I'd like answers to the following:
1. Is there duplication with Wikipedia, and if so, how is that being dealt with? Have policies been created to ensure Wikispecies will not be a fork of Wikipedia? 2. Is data from here having any use within Wikipedia? 3. Are there unresolved language issues? Should Wikispecies be available in other languages or are measures needed to make sure the project is multilingually useful within the same wiki? 4. Are users applying standard templates to new pages? If so, will these be easy to adapt to wikidata format (http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/wikidata) when that becomes available? 5. Are there any technical measures needed to make this project useful? 6. Do you feel this project needs to be separate, or would combining it with Wikipedia, Wikibooks, or even the Wikimedia Commons, make more sense? 7. This wiki was supposed to provide a solution to the problem that there is no central registration of species data. Do you feel the wiki in its current state does help to solve this? 8. Wikispecies was supposed to be aimed at the needs of scientific users rather than general users. Is this still the case? Does this aim still seem the best approach for this project? 9. Does the Wikispecies Charter still seem viable? http://species.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikispecies:Wikispecies_Charter 10. The Wikispecies FAQ I wrote at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikispecies_FAQ noted that Wikispecies was still in the discussion stage. Do you feel it has evolved past this point now?