My name is Lynn Taylor and I am curious to know if you have any Email marketing or Email lists requirement for your company to increase your ROI. Infinity-Intellectuals is a Database Solutions Company which specializes in B2B lists, B2C lists, Direct Marketing Lists, Consumer Lists, Tele-prospecting Lists, Email Lists, etc across the Globe with a data pool of over 20 Million records.
We have qualified resources, world-class infra structure and various methodologies in practice to deliver the best possible solutions to our customers with regards to Email Marketing and Database solutions.
Our list comes with complete information such as: First Name, Last Name, Titles, Company Name, Company Website, Telephone Number, Fax Number, Industry Type, Employee Size, Address, City, State, Country, Zip Code and Email Address.
Higher ROI - Because for every dollar spent, email marketers are seeing a return on investment (ROI) of 51.45, According to research conducted by the Direct Marketing Association the expected figure for 2010 is 48.56, and the prediction for 2011 is 45.65. Compare this to print catalogs, which are only experiencing a 7.20 return on investment during 2011.
Let me know if you are interested in any of these Pre-Packaged Email lists below:
Advertising List
50,000+ records
Software Application List
65,000+ records
American Business List
5 Million records
Finance Banking List
250,000+ records
Australian Business List
50,000+ records
Automotive List
20,000+ records
Middle East List
8,000+ records
Africa Executives List
3500+ records
Fortune 1000 companies List
20,000+ records
HR & Recruiting List
130,000+ records
Health Care List
500,000+ records
IT Professionals List
100,000+ records
Legal Services List
40,000+ records
Veterinary List
10,000+ records
Manufacturing List
50,000+ records
Computer Hardware List
5,000+ records
Marketing Executives List
125,000+ records
Transportation Logistics List
15,000+ records
Media and Publishing List
40,000+ records
Non-Profit Org. List
100,000+ records
Pharmaceutical List
100,000+ records
Aerospace List
5,000+ records
Sales Executives List
100,000+ records
Oil, Gas & Energy List
15,000+ records
Schools, Colleges & Universities List
450,000+ records
Construction & Materials List
30,000+ records
Technology List
100,000+ records
Food and Beverage List
6,000+ records
Telecom List
25,000+ records
Hospitality List
15,000+ records
Europe Executives List
100,000+ records
Asia Pacific List
10,000+ records
UK Executives List
200,000+ records
Canadian Executives List
2 Million records
Biotechnology List
7,500+ records
Agriculture List
10,000+ records
And many more such prepackaged lists. We can also help you in building your target customized Email lists.
Customized Email List - Please let me know your Target Criteria such as Titles, Geography, Industry, Revenue, Zip Code etc. so that I can come up with the counts.
Other Services- Email Campaign, Email Appending, Data Cleansing, Tele-Prospecting, Email Marketing, Reverse Appending and many more.
We'd like to help you grow your business.
Thanks and awaiting your reply.
Lynn Taylor
Business Development
Infinity-Intellectuals-Multichannel Solution for your Email Marketing
113 Barksdale Professional Centers
Newark, DE 19711
T 302-353-4442 F 302-861-3401 E Lynn.Taylor@infinity-intellectual.com
W http://www.infinity-intellectual.com www.infinity-intellectual.com
P Before printing, think about the environment
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