I have added a couple more banners to
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2010/Messages/Language/da -
we're now up to six, but it appears that the community is rather laid
I'll post a notice to wikimediadk(a)lists.wikimedia.org and
bestyrelse(a)wikimedia.dk later today.
On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:52 PM, Moushira Elamrawy
<melamrawy(a)wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Greetings,
> This is Moushira - your WMF staff to help chapters during the fundraiser. :)
> As a starter - since you are participating with this year's fundraiser as
> indicated in your survey, then would you kindly select, translate or add 3
> messages that you would like to test from here:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2010/Messages
> Can you please send me your selections by Friday next?
> Please let me know if you have additional information or questions. I am
> available on #wikimedia-fundraising if you would like to further chat or
> have additional concerns.
> I believe the Deniz has already approached you as community members,
> regarding the same issue. So apologies for double notifications.
> We shall later have more emails regarding some data missing from your survey
> Thanks for your help
> Moushira
> Community Department
> Wikimedia Foundation
> --
> Community Department
> Wikimedia Foundation
http://palnatoke.org * @palnatoke * +4522934588
Det ville være fint med en hurtig (som i: senest søndag)
tilkendegivelse af hvilke bannere, I synes bedst om:
Thomas og jeg vil søndag aften snakke sammen om hvordan vi tolker resultatet...
http://palnatoke.org * @palnatoke * +4522934588
Til jeres orientering:
På http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2010/Messages/Language/da
er der p.t. seks bannere, hvoraf tre vil blive testet om en lille uge.
I er *særdeles* velkomne til at kommentere på bannerne og foreslå nye.
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Ole Palnatoke Andersen
<palnatoke(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> I have added a couple more banners to
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2010/Messages/Language/da -
> we're now up to six, but it appears that the community is rather laid
> back..
> I'll post a notice to wikimediadk(a)lists.wikimedia.org and
> bestyrelse(a)wikimedia.dk later today.
> Regards,
> Ole
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:52 PM, Moushira Elamrawy
> <melamrawy(a)wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> This is Moushira - your WMF staff to help chapters during the fundraiser. :)
>> As a starter - since you are participating with this year's fundraiser as
>> indicated in your survey, then would you kindly select, translate or add 3
>> messages that you would like to test from here:
>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_2010/Messages
>> Can you please send me your selections by Friday next?
>> Please let me know if you have additional information or questions. I am
>> available on #wikimedia-fundraising if you would like to further chat or
>> have additional concerns.
>> I believe the Deniz has already approached you as community members,
>> regarding the same issue. So apologies for double notifications.
>> We shall later have more emails regarding some data missing from your survey
>> Thanks for your help
>> Moushira
>> Community Department
>> Wikimedia Foundation
>> --
>> Community Department
>> Wikimedia Foundation
> --
> http://palnatoke.org * @palnatoke * +4522934588
http://palnatoke.org * @palnatoke * +4522934588
Jeg så en annonce for ansøgning om midler for 2011. Et af de støttede
områder er "Undervisning og Folkeoplysning" se www.uvm.dk/tips.
Hvis der kunne komme et projekt ud af vore samtaler med Dansk Historisk
Fællesråd /Charlotte, kunne det være, at vi kunne få støtte til det - og det
kunne desuden være et argument for, at nogen af institutionerne ville være
mere interesserede.
Ansøgningsfristen er 1.12.
Svenskerne er lidt seje :)
* @palnatoke * +4522934588 *
---------- Videresendt besked ----------
Fra: "lennart guldbrandsson" <l_guldbrandsson(a)hotmail.com>
Dato: 01/10/2010 12.31
Emne: [Chapters] Free African biographies
Til: "Chapters mailingslistan" <chapters(a)wikimedia.ch>, "Styrelsen Wikimedia
Sverige" <styrelsen(a)wikimedia.se>
One of Wikimedia Sverige's biggest commitments every year is the Gothenburg
book fair (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothenburg_Book_Fair), where roughly
100 000 authors, librarians, publishers and the public come together for
four days. This year the theme was African literature, with lots of African
authors and publishers, organized by the Nordic Africa Institute (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_Africa_Institute), a part of Uppsala
Lars Aronsson, from Wikimedia Sverige, talked to NAI about their book fair
catalogue "Afrika har ordet"/"Africa speaks", where they presented 65
African authors. He asked them if they would consider releasing the
catalogue under a free license. The director Carin Norberg agreed to put the
text as CC-BY-SA, which makes it compatible with Wikipedia. The images,
unfortunally, could not be released, but Wikimedia Sverige took more than
300 images during the book fair (
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:G%C3%B6teborg_Book_Fair_2010), so
some of the authors have been covered by us. For instance the South African
artist Zapiro, http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Shapiro
A list of the 65 authors can be found here:
Hopefully these biographies will serve as an inspiration for other language
versions to write about these authors as well.
And on a even more positive note: The NAI have talked about taking photos of
their own and releasing them under a free license. Let's hope that they do.
Best wishes,
Lennart Guldbrandsson, ordförande för Wikimedia Sverige http://wikimedia.se
Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05 Epost:
l_guldbrandsson(a)hotmail.com Användarsida:
http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anv%C3%A4ndare:Hannibal Blogg:
Chapters mailing list