Queridos Wikimedistas de Perú,
We are inviting you to participate in Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos
(WPWP) - Páginas de Wikipedia que requieren fotos
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_Pages_Wanting_Photos/es>, a new
global contest scheduled to run from July through August 2020:
Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photo images, then
add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the
Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki
Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years.
WPWP offers a focused task for guiding new editors through the steps of
adding content to existing pages. It can be used to organize editing
workshops and edit-a-thons.
The organizing team is looking for a contact person at the Wikimedia User
Group level (geographically or thematically) or for a language WP, to
coordinate the project locally. We’d be glad for you to reply to this
email, or sign up directly at WPWP Participating Communities
Thank you,
Deborah Schwartz Jacobs (User:Deborahjay / debjay.wpwp(a)gmail.com)
Communities Liaison
Dear Wikimedistas de Perú members,
My name is Samir Elsharbaty. I'm a community brand and marketing
coordinator at the Wikimedia Foundation. I'm reaching out with an update
and an invitation to join us in the movement brand project.
Last year, we started the movement brand project
a project to evolve the Wikimedia movement’s brand identity system. To do
this we have partnered with Snøhetta
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sn%C3%B8hetta_(company)>, an international
branding and architecture agency. Through workshops, exercises, and
requests for feedback, Snøhetta is working with Wikimedia communities to
create an updated naming convention and design, which will be used by the
Wikimedia Foundation and will be opt-in for affiliates.
As a Wikimedia affiliate organization, Wikimedistas de Perú is an important
stakeholder in this project. I would like to invite you to become part of a
process to shape our global shared brand identity. Participation is not
time consuming but crucial to direct our work ahead.
Over the next five months, the brand team will be helping Snøhetta gather
community feedback at key moments. Your involvement would revolve around
receiving updates and providing feedback on proposals for a naming
convention and brand design. If you are interested, please select one or
two people from Wikimedistas de Perú to act as a Liaison between our team
and your group during this process. We will send important updates and all
feedback opportunities to that person so that they can share with the group
and collect your feedback.
This process will arrive at a new branding system that you will be able to
adopt if you choose, so we hope that you will decide to participate.
In the meantime, here are main hubs for updates and discussion on this
The brand network on Facebook
Snohetta’s project hub, brandingwikipedia.org.
The project page on meta
Please reach out to us with any questions or thoughts you may have.
I’m looking forward to collaborating with you!
Best regards,
Samir Elsharbaty (he/him)
Community Brand and Marketing coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
Estimadas, estimados, estimades,
Esperamos que se encuentren muy bien y todas sus actividades se estén desarrollando de la mejor manera.
Les escribimos porque vamos a retomar el trabajo con la planeación de Iberoconf 2020 y nos faltan sus respuestas a la primer encuesta [1]. Para nosotr@s es muy importante conocer sus opiniones, además de poder contar con su apoyo en la planeación del próximo encuentro, así que les agradeceríamos realizar la encuesta.
Hasta pronto,
Wikimedia Colombia
We hope that you are doing very well and that all your activities are developing in the best way.
We are writing to you because we are going to resume the work with the planning of Iberoconf 2020 and we are missing your answers to the first survey [1]. It is very important for us to know your opinions, as well as to be able to count on your support in the planning of the next meeting, so we would be grateful if you could carry out the survey.
Talk you soon,
Wikimedia Colombia
Ci auguriamo che stiate andando molto bene e che tutte le vostre attività si stiano sviluppando nel miglior modo possibile.
Vi scriviamo perché riprenderemo il lavoro con la pianificazione di Iberoconf 2020 e ci mancano le vostre risposte alla prima indagine [1]. E' molto importante per noi conoscere le vostre opinioni e poter contare sul vostro sostegno nella pianificazione della prossima riunione, pertanto vi saremmo grati se poteste condurre l'indagine.
A presto,
Wikimedia Colombia
[1] https://forms.gle/nuuUSD7tTZkEPfa37
Buenas tardes estimados!
Les escribo por parte de la Fundación Panamericana para el Desarrollo (PADF, por sus siglas en ingles) para discutir una posible colaboración.
PADF es una organización sin fines de lucro que reúne a muchos interesados para mejorar el sustento, capacitar a las comunidades, fortalecer a la sociedad civil, respaldar los derechos humanos, proteger el medio ambiente, y responder ante los desastres naturales en América Latina y el Caribe. PADF fue establecida por la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) en 1962, y ha trabajado en todos los países del hemisferio.
Actualmente, PADF quería planificar y desarrollar una actividad en muchos de los países hispano-hablantes en donde se encuentran proyectos o personal de la organización para celebrar el día internacional de acceso a la información, lo cual cae el 28 de septiembre de 2019. Pensamos que llevar a cabo un Ediaton sería muy beneficioso para los participantes y sería imprescindible mencionar que esta actividad nos ayudará a incrementar la visibilidad de las mujeres en Wikipedia, y así, dar a conocer los diferentes temas relacionados al género.
Ya que el día internacional de acceso a la información cae un sábado, queríamos ver si el Editaton se podría llevar a cabo ese mismo día, o para comodidad de las oficinas y participantes, llevarlo a cabo el viernes 27 de septiembre de 2019. Los países que queremos invitar a que participen son: México, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Panamá y Bolivia.
He estado viendo su grupo de wikimedistas y quería pedirles su ayuda para poder no solo entender más de lo que trata un editaton, pero para poder pedirles consejos, especialmente sobre el entrenamiento de los facilitadores de la edición.
Agradezco de antemano su tiempo, ayuda, y consejos en cualquier aspecto posible.
Muchas gracias,
Kimberly A. Carter
STEM & Education Programs Fellow
Pan American Development Foundation
Organization of American States Building
1889 F St. NW | Washington, D.C. 20006
[cid:image002.png@01D33C58.B8384380]<http://www.facebook.com/padforg> [cid:image003.png@01D33C58.B8384380] <http://www.twitter.com/PADForg> [cid:image004.png@01D33C58.B8384380] <https://www.instagram.com/padforg/> [cid:image005.png@01D33C58.B8384380] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/792998/> [cid:image006.png@01D33C58.B8384380] <http://www.padf.org/>
Hola compañero o compañera!
Le escribo como representante de su comunidad en Iberocoop, para pedirle
que participe en la encuesta
nuestro compañero Oscar ha impulsado.
El objetivo es obtener feedback sobre el futuro de la iniciativa regional
de cara a la reunión de Wikimania, dentro de dos semanas.
Te pedimos que participes (es corta, 5 minutos) y compartas con los
miembros de la comunidad que creas que pueden aportar alguna cosa.
Un abrazo muy fuerte!
Francesc Fort.
-------- Mensaje Original --------
Asunto: [All-affiliates] ASBS results
Fecha: 2019-06-12 16:58
De: Ad Huikeshoven <ad(a)huikeshoven.org>
Destinatario: all-affiliates(a)lists.wikimedia.org
Responder a: Wikimedia Affiliates <all-affiliates(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
Dear Wikimedians,
We are writing to let you know the result of the election for the 2
Affiliate Selected Board Seats on the Wikimedia Foundation board. The
successful candidates were Nataliia Tymkiv and Shani Evenstein Sigalov.
A total of 122 affiliates voted, 85% of the 143 eligible to vote, which
is a record.
As you know the election was conducted under a variation of the Single
Transferable Vote, which meant that prorated votes were redistributed
between candidates to come up with the final result. In the 10th step of
counting the final place, after Nataliia Tymkiv was elected, was between
Shani Evenstein Sigalov (40.519678) and Richard Knipel (40.480322).
We have put the full count narrative on meta so that others can verify
it if they wish.[1] It is the closest ASBS result for some time, and all
candidates brought very valuable perspectives to the work of the WMF.
In the 9th step of counting Reda Kerbouche lost by a very small margin.
Adding a ballot with rank #1 for Richard or Reda would result in them
being elected instead of Shani. The same goes for removing a ballot.
Changing the ranking on one of the ballots in a specific can way can
result in a different outcome for the second seat. This is an election
in which every vote counts.
As in any election, there is a chance that some voters misinterpreted
the instructions and voted wrongly. We don't see a justification for an
action as extraordinary and controversial as opening votes for review
after the vote period is over. The instructions were visible and clear:
"Rank any candidate from 1 (your preferred candidate) to 11 (your least
preferred candidate)." After voting, voters received a confirmation
email stating the name of each candidate they voted with the number of
their rank: Rank 1, Rank 2, ... The agency of voters should be
respected. As part of the retrospective we may identify areas of
improvements on our side, but still the process was quite simple and
Some voters realized they made a mistake and requested a new ballot. New
ballots were issued in those cases. This choice was done because of the
specific situation of this election, since the process was complex for
new affiliates and participation, diversity and inclusion were a clear
goal.[2] We have published on meta information about who got a new
ballot within the voting deadline.[3] The Election Facilitators have
been available nearly 24 hours a day monitoring the various
communication channels to answer any questions affiliates might have. We
did our best at answering all of them.
After our own scrutiny of the data, and based on our experience in
community processes, we strongly advise the community to respect the
integrity of the process, and advise against allowing any modifications
of votes at this point. If the votes had been reopened for modification
with or without publishing vote results, that would have caused
significant confusion and criticism that could have jeopardized the
entire election.
We will publish a debrief with recommendations for a next ASBS process
on meta.[4] We invite all representatives of affiliates to a feedback
session at Wikimania.[5]
We would like to congratulate Nataliia Tymkiv and Shani Evenstein
Sigalov and thank everyone who stood.
Ad Huikeshoven, Lane Rasberry, Jeffrey Keefer, Neal McBurnett, Abhinav
Srivastava, Alessandor Marchetti
Election Facilitators
[5] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/ASBS_Feedback [5]
[5] https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/ASBS_Feedback
All-affiliates mailing list
Omar Vega
como hablamos en la reunión anterior, este viernes 8 de marzo participaremos en la editaton sobre mujeres que organiza Unesco en Lima, atte está articulada a la #wiki4women que organiza Unesco con Wikimedia en varias partes y que tiene un centro especial este año en París.
La jornada será de 09.00 a 18.00 y la idea es participar enseñando y ayudando a las editoras convocadas y seleccionadas por Unesco en el proceso de redacción/edición de artículos sobre mujeres peruanas. El programa todavía no lo tienen listo, pero en cuanto lo tengan lo envío por aquí y telegram.
Además de esto, nos han pedido también algo de información sobre estadísticas de la brecha de género en Wikipedia para ese día, mientras antes mejor, para que puedan comunicarlas a la prensa. De wikidata se pueden sacar algunas comparativas sobre cantidades de biografías y las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en la Wikipedia en español. Entre otras cosas, por ejemplo, los artículos sobre mujeres que no tienen imagen, entre otros que puedan ser interesantes.
Entonces, todas las personas que quieran compartir su experiencia este día están invitadas a participar en el local de Unesco en Lima, que está en el piso 8 del edificio donde está el Ministerio de Cultura en San Borja sobre el cruce de la Avenida Javier Prado con la Avenida Aviación.
Para compartir:
Enviado desde mi dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Por favor, disculpa mi brevedad.