El equipo de facilitadores conjuntamente con los voluntarios electorales de
la elección de la junta directiva de la Fundación Wikimedia 2021 les
invitamos a la reunión informativa a realizarse este sábado a partir de las
18:00 UTC a través de Zoom.
Además de resolver dudas sobre la elección, la reunión está programada para
conocer a los candidatos y candidatas con las comunidades hispanohablantes.
Les invito a pasar por acá para dejar su intención de participar
y además, les invitamos a correr la voz por sus comunidades.
Oscar Costero (he/him)
Facilitator, Board Governance
Wikimedia Foundation
Queridos miembros del grupo:
Estamos invitando a Wikimedistas de Perú User Group a participar en las Páginas
de Wikipedia que buscan fotos 2021
<>, un
concurso global programado para que se celebre del primero de julio al 31
de agosto de 2021:
Los participantes elegirán entre las páginas de Wikipedia sin imágenes de
fotos, y luego añadirán un archivo adecuado entre los miles de fotos en los
Comunes de Wikimedia, especialmente las subidas de concursos temáticos
(Wiki Ames Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) a lo largo
de los años.
En su primer año (2020), 36 comunidades de Wikimedia de 27 países se
sumaron a la campaña. Entre los acontecimientos relacionados con la campaña
figuraban la formación organizada por al menos 18 comunidades de Wikimedia
en 14 países.
La campaña dio lugar a la adición de archivos de medios (fotos, audios y
vídeos) a más de 90.000 artículos de Wikipedia en 272 idiomas.
Wikipedia Páginas de Querer Fotos (WPWP) ofrece una tarea ideal para
reclutar y guiar a nuevos editores a través de los pasos de añadir
contenido a las páginas existentes. Además de la participación individual,
la campaña WPWP puede ser utilizada por grupos de usuarios y capítulos para
organizar talleres de edición y edición de los talleres.
El equipo organizador está buscando a una persona de contacto que coordine
la participación de WPWP en el grupo de usuarios de Wikimedia o en el nivel
de capítulo (geográfica o temática) o en un lenguaje WP. Nos alegraría que
usted responda a este correo electrónico, o se inscriba directamente
en las Comunidades
Deborah Schwartz Jacobs ( User:Deborahjay / debjay.wpwp(a) )
Coordinador de enlace de las comunidades
Páginas de Wikipedia para la campaña de fotos
My name is Mervat Salman, a UCoC Facilitator, Trust and Safety team.
As you know, the WMF Board of Trustees ratified the Universal Code of
Conduct early in February. That's the beginning; the policy itself cannot
be used if the enforcement pathways are not defined. The implementation and
enforcement of the UCoC requires the continuous cooperation to define clear
definitions of enforcement pathways and processes. This needs to be done in
a way that does not contradict with the internal bylaws and codes of
conduct currently in place, but rather to support them and complement their
deficiencies, if any.
In this phase of the process, we would like to invite you to share your
ideas, thoughts and concerns about the UCoC implementation, reporting and
enforcement pathways using this survey:
*(English): *…
*(Spanish): *…
*Notice*: "This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, which
may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and
data-handling, see the survey privacy statement <…
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact msalman-ctr(a)
Best regards
Mervat Salman (She/Her)
UCoC Coordinator
Trust and Safety Team
Wikimedia Foundation <>
*If you don't wish to receive surveys from us, please reply back with
"Unsubscribe" in the Subject line.*
Adjunto encontrarán un correo que contiene los enlaces para inscribirse
y asistir a la formación y también un folleto con que detalla la
programación de esta formación.
Cualquier pregunta, no dude en
contactarme vía esta dirección.
Chargé de
projet diversité linguistique
_TÉL +33 1 42 36 26 24_
FRANCE Association pour le libre partage de la
_WWW.WIKIMEDIA.FR [1] _ _40 rue de clery, __75002 Paris_
-------- Message original --------
CCWL - Primero
Rendez-Vous de la CCWL
2021-02-20 10:16
Plateforme Atlas <plateforme.atlas(a)>
Nicolas LOPEZ
DE SILANES <nicolas.lopez-de-silanes(a)>
CALAIS <adelaide.calais(a)>
¡ Buenos días !
Compartimos con
ustedes una información que puede interesarles.
Tenemos el placer de
anunciarles que la primera edición del Rendez-Vous de la Comunidad de
Contribuidores Wiki en Idiomas (CCWL) tendrá lugar el domingo 28/02
desde 13H (online).
Para registrarse : hagán clic en este enlace
Para encontrarnos : hagán clic aquí [4]
¡ Vengan todos !
Buenos días a todxs,
Soy un voluntario de Wikimedia Francia donde
trabajó en el área de diversidad lingüística.
Quizas habran oido
hablar de Lingua Libre, una plataforma multilingüe de grabación que
desarrollamos junto con un par de voluntarios y que testifica nuestro
compromiso con la diversidad lingüística. Precisamente, Lingua Libre
surgió como un proyecto para remediar la falta de diversidad lingüística
y hasta ahora nos ha funcionado bien ya que varios de los contribuyentes
habituales la usan como herramienta para liderar el ascenso digital de
su idioma.
Les presento esta herramienta porque creo que les puede ser
de gran utilidad dado el patrimonio lingüístico que existe en su país.
Wikimedia Francia puede proporcionarles formaciones a distancia para
formarlos al uso de Lingua Libre con el propósito de difundir la palabra
a comunidades que hablen idiomas regionales.
En este respecto, les
informo que se tendrá una formación hablando de Lingua Libre el 28 de
febrero a las 13h00 UTC+1. Además, esta sesión tendrá como enfoque los
idiomas minoritarios y regionales de América Latina.
Esta formación,
la organiza la comunidad de contribuidores wiki en lenguas (CCWL) en
colaboración con plateforme atlas, una asociación que tiene como
objetivo promover el acceso a la cultura en todos los idiomas. También
podrán contar con la presencia de locutores en idiomas minoritarios o
regionales, de otras regiones del mundo, ahí presentes para darle más
visibilidad a las lenguas que hablan.
Adjunto les transfiero un correo
que contiene los enlaces para inscribirse y asistir a la formación y
también un folleto con más detalle sobre todo aquello.
Esperamos que
sean muchos en venir!
Chargé de projet
diversité linguistique
_TÉL +33 1 42 36 26 24_
FRANCE Association pour le libre partage de la
_WWW.WIKIMEDIA.FR [1] _ _40 rue de clery, __75002 Paris_
(Apologies for cross-posting!)
The Community Resources team is inviting you to an exciting opportunity to
be a committee member as part of the grants programs' participatory
grantmaking practice.
Participatory grantmaking ensures that resourcing community efforts in the
movement is diverse, equal and inclusive. This practice aligns with
movement strategy recommendation 4. Ensure Equity in Decision-making:
Establishing shared responsibility and accountability for decision-making
and distribution of resources.
Serving committee members will have the opportunity to inform and advise
funding decisions and proactively share recommendations and mentorship to
support grantees worldwide in their development, growth, and sustainability
strategies; that contribute to a world in which every single human being
can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.
You will also strengthen your capacity in participatory decision-making
processes while learning about our community's incredible work and the
different contexts that influence their work.
Here is statement by a current committee member, Thepwnco, on their
My experiences with Wikimedia Foundation grant programs have been very
rewarding, and I feel fortunate to have served as a volunteer committee
member since 2014. Grant programs contribute to equity and sustainability
in our movement through funding unmet and under-resourced needs. Under our
participatory approach to grantmaking, volunteers play a key role in
decision-making. Volunteers also help support and strengthen community-led
initiatives by reviewing grant proposals for impact and providing feedback
and other support to prospective grantees. But being a volunteer committee
member is much more than just a way to share your knowledge and insights,
it’s also an incredible opportunity to learn and be inspired by the breadth
of amazing and innovative work taking place across the movement and in
diverse communities and regions.
Here are the committees that are currently soliciting new members:
* Project Grants:*
** Project Grants Committee reviewing Community Organizing proposals: This
committee reviews proposals for projects that inspire and coordinate
volunteers, via campaigns, training, contests and other forms of community
organizing. You can learn more about Project Grants here:
** Project Grants Committee reviewing Research and Software proposals: This
committee reviews proposals for projects that create or maintain software
that supports the Wikimedia movement, or that conduct research to answer
questions important for Wikimedia communities and projects. *Simple Annual
Plan Grants: *
** Simple APG Committee: This committee reviews proposals to fund a group
or organization's programs and operating expenses for 12 months. The groups
and organizations need to have experience managing programs and grant
funding already.
Orientation and training is provided for new members, and you don’t have to
have previous experience to sign up.
Committee responsibilities include:
- Providing review and constructive feedback to help support applicants
and strengthen grant proposals
- Evaluating and recommending promising proposals for funding
- Helping recruit and spread the word about grants
- Optional: Becoming a project advisor for proposals that interest you
Eligibility requirements for committee members can be found here:
* Project Grants:…
* Simple APG:
You can sign up as a candidate for a committee here:
Deadlines for submitting committee candidacy:
- Project Grants Committee reviewing Community Organizing proposals
--February 5, 2020
- Project Grants Committee reviewing Research and Software proposals --
March 5, 2020
- Simple APG Committee -- February 5, 2020
Please reach out to projectgrants(a) for questions on the
Project Grants Committee and simple(a) for questions on the
Simple APG Committee.
Warm regards,
Veronica Thamaini, Program Officer for Simple APG
Marti Johnson, Program Officer for Project Grants
<> *Veronica Thamaini *(She/Her)
Senior Program Officer, Community Resources
Wikim <>edia Foundation
¡Hola estimadxs!
Como se anunció la semana pasada, la Junta Directiva de la Fundación
Wikimedia está organizando una convocatoria para recibir comentarios sobre
los procesos de selección de puestos de la comunidad y de los afiliados
entre el 1 de febrero y el 14 de marzo.…
Quería comunicarme personalmente con ustedes en el grupo de usuarios de
Wikimedistas del Perú para detallarles los múltiples canales para preguntas
y comentarios que vamos a utilizar.
Quiero hacer énfasis en la importancia de dar a conocer nuestras opiniones
y el razonamiento y los sentimientos detrás de estas opiniones, ya que de
estas discusiones la junta directiva decidirá que mecanismos utilizará para
organizar la selección de seis puestos comunitarios en los próximos meses
en la junta directiva. Tres de estos asientos deben renovarse y tres son
nuevos, recientemente aprobados.
Como participar
En la página de discusión de Meta
[1] pueden dejar comentarios generales que tengan con respecto al proceso
(el comentario puede realizarse en castellano).
Únirse al grupo de Telegram <> [2] de gobernanza
creado para recibir comentarios en nuestro idioma (abierto a cualquier
persona interesada en el proceso) .
Adicionalmente, en los próximos días estaremos organizando múltiples
conversaciones con proyectos wiki, afiliados y otros grupos.
No duden en comunicarse conmigo para cualquier sugerencia que me ayude a
recopilar mejor los comentarios de nuestra comunidad.
*Oscar Costero*
Facilitator, Gobernanza de la Junta
Dear Madam/Sir ,
My name is Hardarshan and I am Community Outreach Coordinator for the Global
Movement Strategy Advocacy + GLAM prioritization meeting, which is an event
part of the Wikimedia 2030 Strategy prioritization events. My colleague
Anass Sedrati, coordinator for this event, and I would like to extend an
invitation to you and your colleagues to take part in the prioritization
discussion in the specific thematic meetup for advocacy and GLAM.
The event is set to happen on 12 December 2020 between 15.00 and 18.00 UTC
(check your local time with his converter
<>). We would like to invite
representatives and members from your affiliate/organization to join the
prioritization discussion of the recommendations and strategy process for
movement strategy with GLAM stakeholders and movement allies interested in
or working on advocacy and GLAM.
The registration is open until 9 December 2020 at 12:00 UTC and interested
people can register through this form <>
[1]. Please make sure to go through the list of 45 initiatives [2] of the
Wikimedia 2030 strategy so that you are familiar with them by the event. Feel
free to share this freely among your fellow affiliate and community members.
Looking forward to welcoming you and your team members to the event!
Hardarshan and Anass
Hello team,
Greetings! I hope this email finds you well!
I am Srishti; I work in a Developer Advocate role in the Technical
Engagement team at the Wikimedia Foundation. I am reaching out to learn if
there are ways in which our team can collaborate with the "Wikimedians of
Peru" user group as part of the Small wiki toolkits
<> initiative.
Small wiki toolkits aim to build technical capacity in smaller language
wikis. This initiative is active for the past year; you can learn about the
activities and lessons learned so far:…
Going into the second year, we have identified a few communities (including
Wikimedians of Peru) as our target audience to work with on a project
similar to designing technical workshops for the Indic community
If you are interested in learning more, I would love to share and hear
ideas with/from you and other members of your group on a call and better
understand the community's state to tailor any program we develop further
as per the needs.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
*Srishti Sethi*
Senior Developer Advocate
Wikimedia Foundation <>
Today the Wikimedia Foundation would like to introduce a new community
blog. It's called "Diff" ( and is a blog by – and
for – the Wikimedia volunteer community to connect and share
learnings, stories, and ideas from across our movement. We'd like to
encourage you to learn more about Diff and how it can help you in
sharing and learning from your fellow Wikimedians.
Everyone is invited to contribute!…
The name “Diff” is in reference to the wiki interface that displays
the difference between one version and another of a Wikipedia page. It
also reflects the “difference” our communities and movement make in
the world every day.
For some background, Diff builds on lessons and experiences from the
Wikimedia Blog, the Wikimedia Foundation News, and Wikimedia Space;
previous posts from these channels are archived on Diff. The channel
is primarily intended for community-authored posts, in which
volunteers can share their stories, learnings, and ideas with each
Diff offers a simple and accessible editorial process, moderated by
Foundation communications staff and open to volunteers, to encourage
participation from all — especially emerging and under-represented
communities. Additionally, content on Diff can be written and
translated into languages to reach a wide audience. Diff also has a
code of conduct and comments can be flagged and moderated.
Still curious to learn more?…
Chris Koerner (he/him)
Community Relations Specialist
Wikimedia Foundation