Pywikibot, even if you're just using it as a library, configures its own complicated logging structure:
o "pywiki" | Level Level 11 | Propagate OFF | Handler <TerminalHandler <stderr> (INFO)> | Level INFO | Filter <pywikibot.userinterfaces.terminal_interface_base.MaxLevelFilter object at 0x7f7f66dafe50> | Formatter fmt='%(message)s%(newline)s' datefmt=None | Handler <TerminalHandler <stdout> (STDOUT)> | Level STDOUT | Filter <pywikibot.userinterfaces.terminal_interface_base.MaxLevelFilter object at 0x7f7f66daffa0> | Formatter fmt='%(message)s%(newline)s' datefmt=None | Handler <TerminalHandler <stderr> (WARNING)> | Level WARNING | Formatter fmt='%(levelname)s: %(message)s%(newline)s' datefmt=None | | | o<--[] | | | o<--"" | Level NOTSET so inherits level Level 11 |
Is there any way to make it not do this? I want to have full control of the logging config in my application. In particular, I want all the logging to go to my logfile. Having a library install its own handlers which are hard-wired to a TerminalHandler just complicates that.