On 23 July 2013 13:06, Tomasz Magulski tomasz.magulski@gmail.com wrote:
March 21st was not a special date -- the initial conversion was done June 18th...
But I was wrong, because the border date, when the problem first occur is august 21th 2011 (chech the commit line in my repo's master).
OK. Check the difference between https://github.com/magul/pywikibot-core/commit/dc06e56b06c5efe4d96175a1561f1... and https://github.com/magul/pywikibot-core/commit/7be9e9fb47fc2587b190401be6440...
This could either be caused by an intermittent problem in the conversion, or it could be you cloned the repository before the addition of submodule updates (which was roughly a month ago). When did you clone it?