Merlijn van Deen wrote:
Why was this change committed? The parser is nowhere near usable so disabling debug messages by default is just plain useless. Yes, it creates some sort of parse tree, but using it is a whole different thing. Secondly, I do *not* want to guarantee any backwards compatibility. This means that using the current parser is just plain stupid, because the input and output formats can change, which would mean you would have to rewrite your code.
Ping Yeh was working on a full C-based parser, but I have not yet seen a response. I will mail wikitech-l about that parser later, hoping that he will respond then.
Mmm... Thank you for your feedback. Well, I have used pywikiparser to fix a problem in that needs to recognize italic text sometime. This is only a little use of pywikiparser. I have extensively tested and deducted that new changed function work better and no different solution was available by me. Sure, I don't think your code is usable for others purpose: I see it as INCOMPLETE it is. :) Although I hope to see more fixes soon.
No problem if you want enable by default debug outputs, I can change my code... May I suggest you to write in pywikiparser code these (and more) warnings? In my opinion, I think be a good thing move the 'pywikiparser' directory into 'pywikipedia': more people see the code more possibility of improvements (besides, try to import it). Very nice to hear about a C implementation too.
Francesco Cosoleto