On 29 February 2012 15:11, Bináris wikiposta@gmail.com wrote:
There are two reasons I am a bit averse to it: as far as I know it needs installing and I like the purity of trunk to simply copy it, and the last news I read on this list was that rewrite did not read XML dump that is very important for me, what about this? Sure, one day I will have to change, but here I don't speak about my personal needs -- as far as trunk is supported, its code management is our common interest.
No, it doesn't need installing. Maybe it doesn't have an XML reader yet. {{sofixit}}.
The problem with trunk is that it is a big heap of smelly code. There are no tests, so every time you change something, there is a large chance you will actually break something without noticing - until someone files a bug report. Because of this, porting it to 3.x is also neigh-impossible: how are you going to test everything actually works?
So as far as the future of the framework is concerned, blocking new features in trunk, and actively porting stuff to the rewrite (and adding tests for everything!) would be much, much better.