Hi pywikibot developers,
As recommended https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/Development#Development https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/Development#Development I wanted to write to say hello. I'm a graduate student at UC Berkeley working on Internet privacy.
I'm interested in using pywikibot to automatically make archives of certain external URLs that are included in a private MediaWiki instance that we're using as a repository of educational resources. I'd like to automatically check external URLs that are provided by users/curators of our wiki and create permanent external archives (through perma.cc http://perma.cc/ or similar services) so that these annotated resources can be useful even as URLs age and expire. To start with, I'm looking at the weblinkchecker.py and seeing how I might modify or extend it. If some of this functionality already exists or I should look elsewhere, I would be very interested in pointers or recommendations. Similarly, if there are others who would find a link-archiving script useful, I'd love to collaborate or understand other's use cases.
Thanks, Nick Doty UC Berkeley, School of Information https://npdoty.name https://npdoty.name/