On Thu, July 30, 2009 9:11 pm, Stig Meireles Johansen wrote:
I hacked a little on some old perl-code I had laying around which I once wrote for making fake apache-logs from a full xml-history dump (for analyzing with analog).. It ain't pretty, but works at least for me... I have only tried it on the full "pages-meta-history" files, but it should work on any similar XML-dump.. it only searches the last revision of a page. here it is: http://toolserver.no/~stigmj/tools/src/xml-search.pl.txt
Suggestion: pywikipediabot has good built-in support. My attempt at building a simple parser (http://arctus.nl/~valhallasw/pulldom.py) is about 10 times slower than just using four (much more readable) lines of code:
import xmlreader
for page in xmlreader.XmlDump('/home/valhallasw/download/nlwikiquote-20090730-pages-articles.xml').parse(): if '{|' in page.text: print page.title
I sometimes am surprised of pywikipediabot myself :)