Dnia 10.11.2009 Gilles Deacur tronno22556@gmail.com napisaĆ/a:
I posted this yesterday about 15 hours ago and don't see it yet, so I'm
Here is the file that almost works for me:
---->8------ CUT HERE ----- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__version__ = '$Id$'
import family
# The locksmithwiki family
class Family(family.Family): def __init__(self): family.Family.__init__(self) self.name = 'lockwiki' self.langs = { 'en': 'www.locksmithwiki.com', } self.namespaces[4] = { '_default': [u'Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base', self.namespaces[4]['_default']], # REQUIRED } self.namespaces[4] = { '_default': [u'Locksmith Wiki Knowledge Base talk', self.namespaces[5]['_default']], # REQUIRED }
def scriptpath(self, code): return '/lockwiki'
def version(self, code): return '1.15.1'
def nicepath(self, code): return "%s/" % self.path(self, code)
---->8------ CUT HERE -----
While pasting above file please be extremely careful about spaces.
However, your API does no seem to work because every response includes a Byte Order Mark. Please see:
You need to probably unpack your mediawiki files using some sane tool.