On Tue, July 1, 2008 9:11 pm, Tom Hogarty wrote:
The reason is to capitalize all page titles so I can successfully change $wgCapitalLinks from false to true. Currently my wiki has many pages with lower-case first letter and changing $wgCapitalLinks to true makes those inaccessible.
If you have access to the SQL server then running a query to fix this is probably the best way to do it. You will need to run something like
UPDATE page SET page_title = concat( ucase( mid( page_title, 1, 1 ) ) , mid( page_title, 2 ) ) ;
** THIS WILL NOT WORK WHEN THE FIRST CHARACTER IS NON-ASCII ** (so please make a backup copy before trying, and confirm this is correct).
When using the generators, you will indeed have to use the AllpagesPageGenerator and iterate over all namespaces. Which is fairly easy: on most wikis it is just 0..15, and sometimes 100..115 as additional namespaces.