Hello all,
As several people have mentioned they had trouble starting with the rewrite branch, I decided to do a step-by-step log of installing the rewrite in a way that is good for developing -- this means you are able to edit the framework files, while not inflicting any changes on other users (or other bots you run!) of the system. By using setup.py develop, edits you make to the framework will immediately be used (no need to setup.py install them), but only *within the virtualenv*.
As a prerequisite, install virtualenv. All other dependencies should be installed automatically. The following is a log of what I did - and what you could/should do ;-) The output is monospaced, the things I entered are *bold *.
------------------------------------------------ valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src$ *virtualenv pwb* New python executable in pwb/bin/python Installing setuptools............done. valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src$ *cd pwb* valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb$ *source bin/activate # activate virtualenv* (*pwb*)valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb$ *mkdir src* (*pwb*)valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb$ *cd src* (*pwb*)valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb/src$ *svn co svn+ssh:// svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/pywikipedia/branches/rewrite/ . # note trailing dot* A generate_user_files.py A pywikibot (...snip...) Checked out revision 8837. (*pwb*)valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb/src$ *python setup.py develop* Downloading http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/distribute/distribute-0.6.10.tar.gz (...snip...) Finished processing dependencies for Pywikipediabot==2.0alpha
Your default user directory is "/home/valhallasw/.pywikibot" How to proceed? ([K]eep [c]hange) *c* New user directory? */home/valhallasw/src/pwb/conf* OK: Created new directory. WARNING: Your user files will be created in the directory '/home/valhallasw/src/pwb/conf' you have chosen. To access these files, you will either have to use the argument "-dir:/home/valhallasw/src/pwb/conf" every time you run the bot, or set the environment variable "PYWIKIBOT2_DIR" equal to this directory name in your operating system. See your operating system documentation for how to set environment variables. Is this OK? ([yes], [N]o) *y* Do you want to copy user files from an existing pywikipedia installation? *y * Path to existing wikipedia.py? */home/valhallasw/src/pywikipedia/trunk* NOTE: user-config.py already exists in the directory Create user-fixes.py file? ([y]es, [N]o) *n* (*pwb*)valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb/src$ *echo "export PYWIKIBOT2_DIR=/home/valh allasw/src/pwb/conf" >> ../bin/activate* (*pwb*)valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb/src$ *source ../bin/activate* (*pwb*)valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb/src$ *cd scripts/* (*pwb*)valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb/src/scripts$ *python touch.py Gebruiker:Valhallasw* Password for user valhallasw on wikipedia:nl: Logging in to wikipedia:nl as valhallasw Retrieving 1 pages from wikipedia:nl. Page [[Gebruiker:Valhallasw]] saved -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Now, the next time you want to run the bot, you have to do the following: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- valhallasw@dorthonion:~$ *cd ~/src/pwb/src/scripts/* valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb/src/scripts$ *source ../../bin/activate* (*pwb*)valhallasw@dorthonion:~/src/pwb/src/scripts$ *python touch.py Gebruiker:Valhallasw* Password for user valhallasw on wikipedia:nl: Logging in to wikipedia:nl as valhallasw Retrieving 1 pages from wikipedia:nl. Page [[Gebruiker:Valhallasw]] saved -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Best regards, Merlijn van Deen