Hi all,
how to customize the logging output of a bot based on pywikibot? There
should be a class bot.LoggingFormatter - see
- but i don't understand how to implement it, and there seems no
example code available. The pywikibot.logging module just tells how to
issue log messages, but not how to configure the logger. Additionally,
there's a tools._logging moduile with some cryptic docs ("Initialize
the formatter with specified format strings. Initialize the formatter
either with the specified format string, or a default as described
above." Above????) - see
Thanks for any input...
Hi all,
again a newbie question: How do i "translate" an interwiki link into a URL?
Example: Parsing "[[:mw:Manual:Pywikibot|Manual:Pywikibot]]" using
mwparserfromhell yields a WikiLink object with
title=":mw:Manual:Pywikibot" and text = "Manual:Pywikibot" (both of type
WikiCode). Is there a way to translate the title part
":mw:Manual:Pywikibot" into the URL
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot ?
Thank you for any hints!