Hi there,
I'm trying to run scripts/imagcopy.py like this:
python3 pwb.py scripts/imagecopy.py -transcludes:codLMI
-transcludes:"Transferabil la Commons" -intersect
and I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "pwb.py", line 257, in <module>
if not main():
File "pwb.py", line 250, in main
run_python_file(filename, [filename] + args, argvu, file_package)
File "pwb.py", line 119, in run_python_file
File "./scripts/imagecopy.py", line 595, in <module>
File "./scripts/imagecopy.py", line 556, in main
File "/home/andrei/pywikibot-core/pywikibot/tools/__init__.py", line
1820, in wrapper
return obj(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
File "./scripts/imagecopy.py", line 404, in __init__
super(TkdialogIC, self).__init__()
TypeError: __init__() missing 3 required positional arguments:
'photo_description', 'photo', and 'filename'
I tried giving some parameters there, but 'photo' seems to expect a
local file. Now, the Tkdialog class hasn't been changed in 4 years,
but the imagecopy script has been edited recently, so I suspect this
is somehow a local problem.
Did anyone see this issue before? Any tips on what I'm doing wrong?