jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )
Change subject: [bugfix] Highlight title only once
[bugfix] Highlight title only once
Change-Id: I335bf2431bd8cde5a085de5bbb85bb4a9ed75864
M scripts/
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)
Huji: Looks good to me, approved
jenkins-bot: Verified
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 44c3c83..a50c778 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -166,7 +166,6 @@
-from import color_format
if not PY2:
from queue import Queue
@@ -765,8 +764,7 @@
# Show the title of the page we're working on.
# Highlight the title in purple.
- pywikibot.output(color_format(
- '\n\n>>> {lightpurple}{0}{default} <<<', page.title()))
+ self.current_page = page
pywikibot.showDiff(original_text, new_text, context=context)
if self.getOption('always'):
To view, visit
To unsubscribe, or for help writing mail filters, visit
Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: I335bf2431bd8cde5a085de5bbb85bb4a9ed75864
Gerrit-Change-Number: 591848
Gerrit-PatchSet: 3
Gerrit-Owner: Xqt <info(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: D3r1ck01 <>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Huji <huji.huji(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot (75)
jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged. ( )
Change subject: [IMPR] split specialbots into parts
[IMPR] split specialbots into parts
- split specialbots into and
- update tox
- update CONTENT.rst
- follow PEP8 naming conventions and update scripts accordingly
- remove urlOK method which is deprecated for 6 years
Change-Id: Id332aa71064c556987a032f3f466bf1de3bd7a4a
M pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
M pywikibot/specialbots/
A pywikibot/specialbots/
A pywikibot/specialbots/
M scripts/
M scripts/
M scripts/
M scripts/
M scripts/
M scripts/
M tox.ini
11 files changed, 614 insertions(+), 579 deletions(-)
Dvorapa: Looks good to me, approved
jenkins-bot: Verified
diff --git a/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst b/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
index 5c8669f..e84c039 100644
--- a/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
+++ b/pywikibot/CONTENT.rst
@@ -116,6 +116,10 @@
| | Predefined special bot classes |
+ | | Predefined BaseUnlinkBot special bot class |
+ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+
+ | | Predefined UploadRobot special bot class |
+ +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+
diff --git a/pywikibot/specialbots/ b/pywikibot/specialbots/
index 6f23d5a..20bfb9c 100644
--- a/pywikibot/specialbots/
+++ b/pywikibot/specialbots/
@@ -1,559 +1,14 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Library containing special bots."""
+"""Module containing special bots reusable by scripts."""
-# (C) Rob W.W. Hooft, Andre Engels 2003-2004
-# (C) Pywikibot team, 2003-2020
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2020
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
-import os
-import tempfile
-import pywikibot
-from pywikibot import config
-from import (
- BaseBot, ExistingPageBot, NoRedirectPageBot, AutomaticTWSummaryBot,
- InteractiveReplace, ChoiceException, UnhandledAnswer, AlwaysChoice,
- QuitKeyboardInterrupt,
+from pywikibot.specialbots._unlink import (
+ EditReplacement, InteractiveUnlink, BaseUnlinkBot
-from pywikibot.editor import TextEditor
-from pywikibot.textlib import replace_links
-from import PY2, deprecated, deprecated_args, UnicodeType
-from import color_format
-if not PY2:
- from urllib.parse import urlparse
- from urllib.request import URLopener
- from urllib import URLopener
- from urlparse import urlparse
-class UploadRobot(BaseBot):
- """Upload bot."""
- @deprecated_args(uploadByUrl=None)
- def __init__(self, url, urlEncoding=None, description='',
- useFilename=None, keepFilename=False, verifyDescription=True,
- ignoreWarning=False, targetSite=None, aborts=[], chunk_size=0,
- summary=None, filename_prefix=None, **kwargs):
- """
- Initializer.
- @param url: path to url or local file (deprecated), or list of urls or
- paths to local files.
- @type url: str (deprecated) or list
- @param description: Description of file for its page. If multiple files
- are uploading the same description is used for every file.
- @type description: str
- @param useFilename: Specify title of the file's page. If multiple
- files are uploading it asks to change the name for second, third,
- etc. files, otherwise the last file will overwrite the other.
- @type useFilename: str
- @param keepFilename: Set to True to keep original names of urls and
- files, otherwise it will ask to enter a name for each file.
- @type keepFilename: bool
- @param summary: Summary of the upload
- @type summary: str
- @param verifyDescription: Set to True to proofread the description.
- @type verifyDescription: bool
- @param ignoreWarning: Set this to True to upload even if another file
- would be overwritten or another mistake would be risked. Set it to
- an array of warning codes to selectively ignore specific warnings.
- @type ignoreWarning: bool or list
- @param targetSite: Set the site to upload to. If target site is not
- given it's taken from
- @type targetSite: object
- @param aborts: List of the warning types to abort upload on. Set to
- True to abort on any warning.
- @type aborts: bool or list
- @param chunk_size: Upload the file in chunks (more overhead, but
- restartable) specified in bytes. If no value is specified the file
- will be uploaded as whole.
- @type chunk_size: integer
- @param filename_prefix: Specify prefix for the title of every
- file's page.
- @type filename_prefix: str
- @param always: Disables any input, requires that either ignoreWarning
- or aborts are set to True and that the description is also set. It
- overwrites verifyDescription to False and keepFilename to True.
- @type always: bool
- @deprecated: Using upload_image() is deprecated, use upload_file() with
- file_url param instead
- """
- super(UploadRobot, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- always = self.getOption('always')
- if (always and ignoreWarning is not True and aborts is not True):
- raise ValueError('When always is set to True, either '
- 'ignoreWarning or aborts must be set to True.')
- if always and not description:
- raise ValueError('When always is set to True, the description '
- 'must be set.')
- self.url = url
- if isinstance(self.url, UnicodeType):
- pywikibot.warning('url as string is deprecated. '
- 'Use an iterable instead.')
- self.urlEncoding = urlEncoding
- self.description = description
- self.useFilename = useFilename
- self.keepFilename = keepFilename or always
- self.verifyDescription = verifyDescription and not always
- self.ignoreWarning = ignoreWarning
- self.aborts = aborts
- self.chunk_size = chunk_size
- self.summary = summary
- self.filename_prefix = filename_prefix
- if config.upload_to_commons:
- self.targetSite = targetSite or pywikibot.Site('commons',
- 'commons')
- else:
- self.targetSite = targetSite or pywikibot.Site()
- self.targetSite.login()
- @deprecated(since='20141211')
- def urlOK(self):
- """Return True if self.url is a URL or an existing local file."""
- return '://' in self.url or os.path.exists(self.url)
- def read_file_content(self, file_url=None):
- """Return name of temp file in which remote file is saved."""
- if not file_url:
- file_url = self.url
- pywikibot.warning('file_url is not given. '
- 'Set to self.url by default.')
- pywikibot.output('Reading file %s' % file_url)
- resume = False
- rlen = 0
- _contents = None
- dt = 15
- uo = URLopener()
- retrieved = False
- while not retrieved:
- if resume:
- pywikibot.output('Resume download...')
- uo.addheader('Range', 'bytes=%s-' % rlen)
- infile =
- info =
- if PY2:
- info_get = info.getheader
- else:
- info_get = info.get
- content_type = info_get('Content-Type')
- content_len = info_get('Content-Length')
- accept_ranges = info_get('Accept-Ranges')
- if 'text/html' in content_type:
- pywikibot.output("Couldn't download the image: "
- 'the requested URL was not found on server.')
- return
- valid_ranges = accept_ranges == 'bytes'
- if resume:
- _contents +=
- else:
- _contents =
- infile.close()
- retrieved = True
- if content_len:
- rlen = len(_contents)
- content_len = int(content_len)
- if rlen < content_len:
- retrieved = False
- pywikibot.output(
- 'Connection closed at byte %s (%s left)'
- % (rlen, content_len))
- if valid_ranges and rlen > 0:
- resume = True
- pywikibot.output('Sleeping for %d seconds...' % dt)
- pywikibot.sleep(dt)
- if dt <= 60:
- dt += 15
- elif dt < 360:
- dt += 60
- else:
- pywikibot.log(
- 'WARNING: length check of retrieved data not possible.')
- handle, tempname = tempfile.mkstemp()
- with os.fdopen(handle, 'wb') as t:
- t.write(_contents)
- return tempname
- def _handle_warning(self, warning):
- """
- Return whether the warning cause an abort or be ignored.
- @param warning: The warning name
- @type warning: str
- @return: False if this warning should cause an abort, True if it should
- be ignored or None if this warning has no default handler.
- @rtype: bool or None
- """
- if self.aborts is not True:
- if warning in self.aborts:
- return False
- if self.ignoreWarning is True or (self.ignoreWarning is not False
- and warning in self.ignoreWarning):
- return True
- return None if self.aborts is not True else False
- def _handle_warnings(self, warnings):
- messages = '\n'.join('{0.code}: {}'.format(warning)
- for warning in sorted(warnings,
- key=lambda w: w.code))
- if len(warnings) > 1:
- messages = '\n' + messages
- pywikibot.output('We got the following warning(s): ' + messages)
- answer = True
- for warning in warnings:
- this_answer = self._handle_warning(warning.code)
- if this_answer is False:
- answer = False
- break
- elif this_answer is None:
- answer = None
- if answer is None:
- answer = pywikibot.input_yn('Do you want to ignore?',
- default=False, automatic_quit=False)
- return answer
- def process_filename(self, file_url=None):
- """Return base filename portion of file_url."""
- if not file_url:
- file_url = self.url
- pywikibot.warning('file_url is not given. '
- 'Set to self.url by default.')
- always = self.getOption('always')
- # Isolate the pure name
- filename = file_url
- # Filename may be either a URL or a local file path
- if '://' in filename:
- # extract the path portion of the URL
- filename = urlparse(filename).path
- filename = os.path.basename(filename)
- if self.useFilename:
- filename = self.useFilename
- if self.filename_prefix:
- filename = self.filename_prefix + filename
- if not self.keepFilename:
- pywikibot.output(
- 'The filename on the target wiki will default to: %s'
- % filename)
- assert not always
- newfn = pywikibot.input(
- 'Enter a better name, or press enter to accept:')
- if newfn != '':
- filename = newfn
- # FIXME: these 2 belong somewhere else, presumably in family
- # forbidden characters are handled by pywikibot/
- forbidden = ':*?/\\' # to be extended
- try:
- allowed_formats = self.targetSite.siteinfo.get(
- 'fileextensions', get_default=False)
- except KeyError:
- allowed_formats = []
- else:
- allowed_formats = [item['ext'] for item in allowed_formats]
- # ask until it's valid
- first_check = True
- while True:
- if not first_check:
- if always:
- filename = None
- else:
- filename = pywikibot.input('Enter a better name, or press '
- 'enter to skip the file:')
- if not filename:
- return None
- first_check = False
- ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower().strip('.')
- # are any chars in forbidden also in filename?
- invalid = set(forbidden) & set(filename)
- if invalid:
- c = ''.join(invalid)
- pywikibot.output(
- 'Invalid character(s): %s. Please try again' % c)
- continue
- if allowed_formats and ext not in allowed_formats:
- if always:
- pywikibot.output('File format is not one of '
- '[{0}]'.format(' '.join(allowed_formats)))
- continue
- elif not pywikibot.input_yn(
- 'File format is not one of [%s], but %s. Continue?'
- % (' '.join(allowed_formats), ext),
- default=False, automatic_quit=False):
- continue
- potential_file_page = pywikibot.FilePage(self.targetSite, filename)
- if potential_file_page.exists():
- overwrite = self._handle_warning('exists')
- if overwrite is False:
- pywikibot.output(
- 'File exists and you asked to abort. Skipping.')
- return None
- if potential_file_page.has_permission():
- if overwrite is None:
- overwrite = not pywikibot.input_yn(
- 'File with name %s already exists. '
- 'Would you like to change the name? '
- '(Otherwise file will be overwritten.)'
- % filename, default=True,
- automatic_quit=False)
- if not overwrite:
- continue
- else:
- break
- else:
- pywikibot.output('File with name %s already exists and '
- 'cannot be overwritten.' % filename)
- continue
- else:
- try:
- if potential_file_page.fileIsShared():
- pywikibot.output(
- 'File with name %s already exists in shared '
- 'repository and cannot be overwritten.' % filename)
- continue
- else:
- break
- except pywikibot.NoPage:
- break
- # A proper description for the submission.
- # Empty descriptions are not accepted.
- if self.description:
- pywikibot.output('The suggested description is:\n%s'
- % self.description)
- while not self.description or self.verifyDescription:
- if not self.description:
- pywikibot.output(color_format(
- '{lightred}It is not possible to upload a file '
- 'without a description.{default}'))
- assert not always
- # if no description, ask if user want to add one or quit,
- # and loop until one is filled.
- # if self.verifyDescription, ask if user want to change it
- # or continue.
- if self.description:
- question = 'Do you want to change this description?'
- else:
- question = 'No description was given. Add one?'
- if pywikibot.input_yn(question, default=not self.description,
- automatic_quit=self.description):
- from pywikibot import editor as editarticle
- editor = editarticle.TextEditor()
- try:
- newDescription = editor.edit(self.description)
- except ImportError:
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- pywikibot.error(e)
- continue
- # if user saved / didn't press Cancel
- if newDescription:
- self.description = newDescription
- elif not self.description:
- raise QuitKeyboardInterrupt
- self.verifyDescription = False
- return filename
- def abort_on_warn(self, warn_code):
- """Determine if the warning message should cause an abort."""
- if self.aborts is True:
- return True
- else:
- return warn_code in self.aborts
- def ignore_on_warn(self, warn_code):
- """
- Determine if the warning message should be ignored.
- @param warn_code: The warning message
- @type warn_code: str
- """
- if self.ignoreWarning is True:
- return True
- else:
- return warn_code in self.ignoreWarning
- @deprecated('UploadRobot.upload_file()', since='20141211')
- @deprecated_args(debug=None)
- def upload_image(self):
- """Upload image."""
- return self.upload_file(self.url)
- @deprecated_args(debug=None)
- def upload_file(self, file_url, _file_key=None, _offset=0):
- """
- Upload the image at file_url to the target wiki.
- @see: U{}
- Return the filename that was used to upload the image.
- If the upload fails, ask the user whether to try again or not.
- If the user chooses not to retry, return None.
- """
- filename = self.process_filename(file_url)
- if not filename:
- return None
- site = self.targetSite
- imagepage = pywikibot.FilePage(site, filename) # normalizes filename
- imagepage.text = self.description
- pywikibot.output('Uploading file to {0}...'.format(site))
- ignore_warnings = self.ignoreWarning is True or self._handle_warnings
- if '://' in file_url and not site.has_right('upload_by_url'):
- file_url = self.read_file_content(file_url)
- try:
- success = imagepage.upload(file_url,
- ignore_warnings=ignore_warnings,
- chunk_size=self.chunk_size,
- _file_key=_file_key, _offset=_offset,
- comment=self.summary)
- except as error:
- if error.code == 'uploaddisabled':
- pywikibot.error(
- 'Upload error: Local file uploads are disabled on %s.'
- % site)
- else:
- pywikibot.error('Upload error: ', exc_info=True)
- except Exception:
- pywikibot.error('Upload error: ', exc_info=True)
- else:
- if success:
- # No warning, upload complete.
- pywikibot.output('Upload of %s successful.' % filename)
- self._save_counter += 1
- return filename # data['filename']
- else:
- pywikibot.output('Upload aborted.')
- return None
- def run(self):
- """Run bot."""
- # early check that upload is enabled
- if self.targetSite.is_uploaddisabled():
- pywikibot.error(
- 'Upload error: Local file uploads are disabled on %s.'
- % self.targetSite)
- return
- # early check that user has proper rights to upload
- if not self.targetSite.has_right('upload'):
- pywikibot.error(
- "User '%s' does not have upload rights on site %s."
- % (self.targetSite.user(), self.targetSite))
- return
- try:
- if isinstance(self.url, UnicodeType):
- self._treat_counter = 1
- return self.upload_file(self.url)
- for file_url in self.url:
- self.upload_file(file_url)
- self._treat_counter += 1
- except QuitKeyboardInterrupt:
- pywikibot.output('\nUser quit %s bot run...' %
- self.__class__.__name__)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- if config.verbose_output:
- raise
- else:
- pywikibot.output('\nKeyboardInterrupt during %s bot run...' %
- self.__class__.__name__)
- finally:
- self.exit()
-class EditReplacement(ChoiceException, UnhandledAnswer):
- """The text should be edited and replacement should be restarted."""
- def __init__(self):
- """Initializer."""
- super(EditReplacement, self).__init__('edit', 'e')
- self.stop = True
-class InteractiveUnlink(InteractiveReplace):
- """An implementation which just allows unlinking."""
- def __init__(self, bot):
- """Create default settings."""
- super(InteractiveUnlink, self).__init__(
- old_link=bot.pageToUnlink, new_link=False, default='u')
- self._always = AlwaysChoice(self, 'unlink all pages', 'a')
- self._always.always = bot.getOption('always')
- self.additional_choices = [
- AlwaysChoice(self, 'unlink all on page', 'p'),
- self._always, EditReplacement()]
- self._bot = bot
- self.context = 100
- self.context_change = 100
- def handle_answer(self, choice):
- """Handle choice and store in bot's options."""
- answer = super(InteractiveUnlink, self).handle_answer(choice)
- self._bot.options['always'] = self._always.always
- return answer
-class BaseUnlinkBot(ExistingPageBot, NoRedirectPageBot, AutomaticTWSummaryBot):
- """A basic bot unlinking a given link from the current page."""
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- """Redirect all parameters and add namespace as an available option."""
- self.availableOptions.update({
- 'namespaces': [],
- # Which namespaces should be processed?
- # default to [] which means all namespaces will be processed
- })
- super(BaseUnlinkBot, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- def _create_callback(self):
- """Create a new callback instance for replace_links."""
- return InteractiveUnlink(self)
- def unlink(self, target_page):
- """Unlink all links linking to the target page."""
- text = self.current_page.text
- while True:
- unlink_callback = self._create_callback()
- try:
- text = replace_links(text, unlink_callback,
- except EditReplacement:
- new_text = TextEditor().edit(
- unlink_callback.current_text,
- jumpIndex=unlink_callback.current_range[0])
- # if user didn't press Cancel
- if new_text:
- text = new_text
- else:
- text = unlink_callback.current_text
- else:
- break
- self.put_current(text)
+from pywikibot.specialbots._upload import UploadRobot
diff --git a/pywikibot/specialbots/ b/pywikibot/specialbots/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdecdb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pywikibot/specialbots/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Special bot library containing BaseUnlinkBot.
+Do not import classes directly from here but from specialbots.
+# (C) Rob W.W. Hooft, Andre Engels 2003-2004
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2003-2020
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
+from import (
+ AlwaysChoice, AutomaticTWSummaryBot, ChoiceException, ExistingPageBot,
+ InteractiveReplace, NoRedirectPageBot, UnhandledAnswer,
+from pywikibot.editor import TextEditor
+from pywikibot.textlib import replace_links
+class EditReplacement(ChoiceException, UnhandledAnswer):
+ """The text should be edited and replacement should be restarted."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initializer."""
+ super(EditReplacement, self).__init__('edit', 'e')
+ self.stop = True
+class InteractiveUnlink(InteractiveReplace):
+ """An implementation which just allows unlinking."""
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ """Create default settings."""
+ super(InteractiveUnlink, self).__init__(
+ old_link=bot.pageToUnlink, new_link=False, default='u')
+ self._always = AlwaysChoice(self, 'unlink all pages', 'a')
+ self._always.always = bot.getOption('always')
+ self.additional_choices = [
+ AlwaysChoice(self, 'unlink all on page', 'p'),
+ self._always, EditReplacement()]
+ self._bot = bot
+ self.context = 100
+ self.context_change = 100
+ def handle_answer(self, choice):
+ """Handle choice and store in bot's options."""
+ answer = super(InteractiveUnlink, self).handle_answer(choice)
+ self._bot.options['always'] = self._always.always
+ return answer
+class BaseUnlinkBot(ExistingPageBot, NoRedirectPageBot, AutomaticTWSummaryBot):
+ """A basic bot unlinking a given link from the current page."""
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ """Redirect all parameters and add namespace as an available option."""
+ self.availableOptions.update({
+ 'namespaces': [],
+ # Which namespaces should be processed?
+ # default to [] which means all namespaces will be processed
+ })
+ super(BaseUnlinkBot, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ def _create_callback(self):
+ """Create a new callback instance for replace_links."""
+ return InteractiveUnlink(self)
+ def unlink(self, target_page):
+ """Unlink all links linking to the target page."""
+ text = self.current_page.text
+ while True:
+ unlink_callback = self._create_callback()
+ try:
+ text = replace_links(text, unlink_callback,
+ except EditReplacement:
+ new_text = TextEditor().edit(
+ unlink_callback.current_text,
+ jumpIndex=unlink_callback.current_range[0])
+ # if user didn't press Cancel
+ if new_text:
+ text = new_text
+ else:
+ text = unlink_callback.current_text
+ else:
+ break
+ self.put_current(text)
diff --git a/pywikibot/specialbots/ b/pywikibot/specialbots/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e5aa24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pywikibot/specialbots/
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Special bot library containing UploadRobot.
+Do not import classes directly from here but from specialbots.
+# (C) Rob W.W. Hooft, Andre Engels 2003-2004
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2003-2020
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
+import os
+import tempfile
+import pywikibot
+from pywikibot import config
+from import BaseBot, QuitKeyboardInterrupt
+from import PY2, deprecated, deprecated_args, UnicodeType
+from import color_format
+if not PY2:
+ from urllib.parse import urlparse
+ from urllib.request import URLopener
+ from urllib import URLopener
+ from urlparse import urlparse
+class UploadRobot(BaseBot):
+ """Upload bot."""
+ @deprecated_args(uploadByUrl=None, urlEncoding='url_encoding',
+ useFilename='use_filename', keepFilename='keep_filename',
+ verifyDescription='verify_description',
+ ignoreWarning='ignore_warning', targetSite='target_site')
+ def __init__(self, url, url_encoding=None, description='',
+ use_filename=None, keep_filename=False,
+ verify_description=True, ignore_warning=False,
+ target_site=None, aborts=[], chunk_size=0, summary=None,
+ filename_prefix=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Initializer.
+ @param url: path to url or local file (deprecated), or list of urls or
+ paths to local files.
+ @type url: str (deprecated) or list
+ @param description: Description of file for its page. If multiple files
+ are uploading the same description is used for every file.
+ @type description: str
+ @param use_filename: Specify title of the file's page. If multiple
+ files are uploading it asks to change the name for second, third,
+ etc. files, otherwise the last file will overwrite the other.
+ @type use_filename: str
+ @param keep_filename: Set to True to keep original names of urls and
+ files, otherwise it will ask to enter a name for each file.
+ @type keep_filename: bool
+ @param summary: Summary of the upload
+ @type summary: str
+ @param verify_description: Set to True to proofread the description.
+ @type verify_description: bool
+ @param ignore_warning: Set this to True to upload even if another file
+ would be overwritten or another mistake would be risked. Set it to
+ an array of warning codes to selectively ignore specific warnings.
+ @type ignore_warning: bool or list
+ @param target_site: Set the site to upload to. If target site is not
+ given it's taken from
+ @type target_site: object
+ @param aborts: List of the warning types to abort upload on. Set to
+ True to abort on any warning.
+ @type aborts: bool or list
+ @param chunk_size: Upload the file in chunks (more overhead, but
+ restartable) specified in bytes. If no value is specified the file
+ will be uploaded as whole.
+ @type chunk_size: integer
+ @param filename_prefix: Specify prefix for the title of every
+ file's page.
+ @type filename_prefix: str
+ @param always: Disables any input, requires that either ignore_warning
+ or aborts are set to True and that the description is also set. It
+ overwrites verify_description to False and keep_filename to True.
+ @type always: bool
+ @deprecated: Using upload_image() is deprecated, use upload_file() with
+ file_url param instead
+ """
+ super(UploadRobot, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ always = self.getOption('always')
+ if (always and ignore_warning is not True and aborts is not True):
+ raise ValueError('When always is set to True, either '
+ 'ignore_warning or aborts must be set to True.')
+ if always and not description:
+ raise ValueError('When always is set to True, the description '
+ 'must be set.')
+ self.url = url
+ if isinstance(self.url, UnicodeType):
+ pywikibot.warning('url as string is deprecated. '
+ 'Use an iterable instead.')
+ self.url_encoding = url_encoding
+ self.description = description
+ self.use_filename = use_filename
+ self.keep_filename = keep_filename or always
+ self.verify_description = verify_description and not always
+ self.ignore_warning = ignore_warning
+ self.aborts = aborts
+ self.chunk_size = chunk_size
+ self.summary = summary
+ self.filename_prefix = filename_prefix
+ if config.upload_to_commons:
+ self.target_site = target_site or pywikibot.Site('commons',
+ 'commons')
+ else:
+ self.target_site = target_site or pywikibot.Site()
+ self.target_site.login()
+ def read_file_content(self, file_url=None):
+ """Return name of temp file in which remote file is saved."""
+ if not file_url:
+ file_url = self.url
+ pywikibot.warning('file_url is not given. '
+ 'Set to self.url by default.')
+ pywikibot.output('Reading file %s' % file_url)
+ resume = False
+ rlen = 0
+ _contents = None
+ dt = 15
+ uo = URLopener()
+ retrieved = False
+ while not retrieved:
+ if resume:
+ pywikibot.output('Resume download...')
+ uo.addheader('Range', 'bytes=%s-' % rlen)
+ infile =
+ info =
+ if PY2:
+ info_get = info.getheader
+ else:
+ info_get = info.get
+ content_type = info_get('Content-Type')
+ content_len = info_get('Content-Length')
+ accept_ranges = info_get('Accept-Ranges')
+ if 'text/html' in content_type:
+ pywikibot.output("Couldn't download the image: "
+ 'the requested URL was not found on server.')
+ return
+ valid_ranges = accept_ranges == 'bytes'
+ if resume:
+ _contents +=
+ else:
+ _contents =
+ infile.close()
+ retrieved = True
+ if content_len:
+ rlen = len(_contents)
+ content_len = int(content_len)
+ if rlen < content_len:
+ retrieved = False
+ pywikibot.output(
+ 'Connection closed at byte %s (%s left)'
+ % (rlen, content_len))
+ if valid_ranges and rlen > 0:
+ resume = True
+ pywikibot.output('Sleeping for %d seconds...' % dt)
+ pywikibot.sleep(dt)
+ if dt <= 60:
+ dt += 15
+ elif dt < 360:
+ dt += 60
+ else:
+ pywikibot.log(
+ 'WARNING: length check of retrieved data not possible.')
+ handle, tempname = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ with os.fdopen(handle, 'wb') as t:
+ t.write(_contents)
+ return tempname
+ def _handle_warning(self, warning):
+ """
+ Return whether the warning cause an abort or be ignored.
+ @param warning: The warning name
+ @type warning: str
+ @return: False if this warning should cause an abort, True if it should
+ be ignored or None if this warning has no default handler.
+ @rtype: bool or None
+ """
+ if self.aborts is not True:
+ if warning in self.aborts:
+ return False
+ if self.ignore_warning is True or (self.ignore_warning is not False
+ and warning in self.ignore_warning):
+ return True
+ return None if self.aborts is not True else False
+ def _handle_warnings(self, warnings):
+ messages = '\n'.join('{0.code}: {}'.format(warning)
+ for warning in sorted(warnings,
+ key=lambda w: w.code))
+ if len(warnings) > 1:
+ messages = '\n' + messages
+ pywikibot.output('We got the following warning(s): ' + messages)
+ answer = True
+ for warning in warnings:
+ this_answer = self._handle_warning(warning.code)
+ if this_answer is False:
+ answer = False
+ break
+ elif this_answer is None:
+ answer = None
+ if answer is None:
+ answer = pywikibot.input_yn('Do you want to ignore?',
+ default=False, automatic_quit=False)
+ return answer
+ def process_filename(self, file_url=None):
+ """Return base filename portion of file_url."""
+ if not file_url:
+ file_url = self.url
+ pywikibot.warning('file_url is not given. '
+ 'Set to self.url by default.')
+ always = self.getOption('always')
+ # Isolate the pure name
+ filename = file_url
+ # Filename may be either a URL or a local file path
+ if '://' in filename:
+ # extract the path portion of the URL
+ filename = urlparse(filename).path
+ filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+ if self.use_filename:
+ filename = self.use_filename
+ if self.filename_prefix:
+ filename = self.filename_prefix + filename
+ if not self.keep_filename:
+ pywikibot.output(
+ 'The filename on the target wiki will default to: %s'
+ % filename)
+ assert not always
+ newfn = pywikibot.input(
+ 'Enter a better name, or press enter to accept:')
+ if newfn != '':
+ filename = newfn
+ # FIXME: these 2 belong somewhere else, presumably in family
+ # forbidden characters are handled by pywikibot/
+ forbidden = ':*?/\\' # to be extended
+ try:
+ allowed_formats = self.target_site.siteinfo.get(
+ 'fileextensions', get_default=False)
+ except KeyError:
+ allowed_formats = []
+ else:
+ allowed_formats = [item['ext'] for item in allowed_formats]
+ # ask until it's valid
+ first_check = True
+ while True:
+ if not first_check:
+ if always:
+ filename = None
+ else:
+ filename = pywikibot.input('Enter a better name, or press '
+ 'enter to skip the file:')
+ if not filename:
+ return None
+ first_check = False
+ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower().strip('.')
+ # are any chars in forbidden also in filename?
+ invalid = set(forbidden) & set(filename)
+ if invalid:
+ c = ''.join(invalid)
+ pywikibot.output(
+ 'Invalid character(s): %s. Please try again' % c)
+ continue
+ if allowed_formats and ext not in allowed_formats:
+ if always:
+ pywikibot.output('File format is not one of '
+ '[{0}]'.format(' '.join(allowed_formats)))
+ continue
+ elif not pywikibot.input_yn(
+ 'File format is not one of [%s], but %s. Continue?'
+ % (' '.join(allowed_formats), ext),
+ default=False, automatic_quit=False):
+ continue
+ potential_file_page = pywikibot.FilePage(self.target_site,
+ filename)
+ if potential_file_page.exists():
+ overwrite = self._handle_warning('exists')
+ if overwrite is False:
+ pywikibot.output(
+ 'File exists and you asked to abort. Skipping.')
+ return None
+ if potential_file_page.has_permission():
+ if overwrite is None:
+ overwrite = not pywikibot.input_yn(
+ 'File with name %s already exists. '
+ 'Would you like to change the name? '
+ '(Otherwise file will be overwritten.)'
+ % filename, default=True,
+ automatic_quit=False)
+ if not overwrite:
+ continue
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ pywikibot.output('File with name %s already exists and '
+ 'cannot be overwritten.' % filename)
+ continue
+ else:
+ try:
+ if potential_file_page.fileIsShared():
+ pywikibot.output(
+ 'File with name %s already exists in shared '
+ 'repository and cannot be overwritten.' % filename)
+ continue
+ else:
+ break
+ except pywikibot.NoPage:
+ break
+ # A proper description for the submission.
+ # Empty descriptions are not accepted.
+ if self.description:
+ pywikibot.output('The suggested description is:\n%s'
+ % self.description)
+ while not self.description or self.verify_description:
+ if not self.description:
+ pywikibot.output(color_format(
+ '{lightred}It is not possible to upload a file '
+ 'without a description.{default}'))
+ assert not always
+ # if no description, ask if user want to add one or quit,
+ # and loop until one is filled.
+ # if self.verify_description, ask if user want to change it
+ # or continue.
+ if self.description:
+ question = 'Do you want to change this description?'
+ else:
+ question = 'No description was given. Add one?'
+ if pywikibot.input_yn(question, default=not self.description,
+ automatic_quit=self.description):
+ from pywikibot import editor as editarticle
+ editor = editarticle.TextEditor()
+ try:
+ new_description = editor.edit(self.description)
+ except ImportError:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ pywikibot.error(e)
+ continue
+ # if user saved / didn't press Cancel
+ if new_description:
+ self.description = new_description
+ elif not self.description:
+ raise QuitKeyboardInterrupt
+ self.verify_description = False
+ return filename
+ def abort_on_warn(self, warn_code):
+ """Determine if the warning message should cause an abort."""
+ if self.aborts is True:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return warn_code in self.aborts
+ def ignore_on_warn(self, warn_code):
+ """
+ Determine if the warning message should be ignored.
+ @param warn_code: The warning message
+ @type warn_code: str
+ """
+ if self.ignore_warning is True:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return warn_code in self.ignore_warning
+ @deprecated('UploadRobot.upload_file()', since='20141211')
+ @deprecated_args(debug=None)
+ def upload_image(self):
+ """Upload image."""
+ return self.upload_file(self.url)
+ @deprecated_args(debug=None)
+ def upload_file(self, file_url, _file_key=None, _offset=0):
+ """
+ Upload the image at file_url to the target wiki.
+ @see: U{}
+ Return the filename that was used to upload the image.
+ If the upload fails, ask the user whether to try again or not.
+ If the user chooses not to retry, return None.
+ """
+ filename = self.process_filename(file_url)
+ if not filename:
+ return None
+ site = self.target_site
+ imagepage = pywikibot.FilePage(site, filename) # normalizes filename
+ imagepage.text = self.description
+ pywikibot.output('Uploading file to {0}...'.format(site))
+ ignore_warnings = self.ignore_warning is True or self._handle_warnings
+ if '://' in file_url and not site.has_right('upload_by_url'):
+ file_url = self.read_file_content(file_url)
+ try:
+ success = imagepage.upload(file_url,
+ ignore_warnings=ignore_warnings,
+ chunk_size=self.chunk_size,
+ _file_key=_file_key, _offset=_offset,
+ comment=self.summary)
+ except as error:
+ if error.code == 'uploaddisabled':
+ pywikibot.error(
+ 'Upload error: Local file uploads are disabled on %s.'
+ % site)
+ else:
+ pywikibot.error('Upload error: ', exc_info=True)
+ except Exception:
+ pywikibot.error('Upload error: ', exc_info=True)
+ else:
+ if success:
+ # No warning, upload complete.
+ pywikibot.output('Upload of %s successful.' % filename)
+ self._save_counter += 1
+ return filename # data['filename']
+ else:
+ pywikibot.output('Upload aborted.')
+ return None
+ def run(self):
+ """Run bot."""
+ # early check that upload is enabled
+ if self.target_site.is_uploaddisabled():
+ pywikibot.error(
+ 'Upload error: Local file uploads are disabled on %s.'
+ % self.target_site)
+ return
+ # early check that user has proper rights to upload
+ if not self.target_site.has_right('upload'):
+ pywikibot.error(
+ "User '%s' does not have upload rights on site %s."
+ % (self.target_site.user(), self.target_site))
+ return
+ try:
+ if isinstance(self.url, UnicodeType):
+ self._treat_counter = 1
+ return self.upload_file(self.url)
+ for file_url in self.url:
+ self.upload_file(file_url)
+ self._treat_counter += 1
+ except QuitKeyboardInterrupt:
+ pywikibot.output('\nUser quit %s bot run...' %
+ self.__class__.__name__)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ if config.verbose_output:
+ raise
+ else:
+ pywikibot.output('\nKeyboardInterrupt during %s bot run...' %
+ self.__class__.__name__)
+ finally:
+ self.exit()
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index abded22..ff5e555 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
python data_ingestion -csvdir:local_dir/ -page:config_page
-# (C) Pywikibot team, 2012-2019
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2012-2020
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
@@ -198,10 +198,10 @@
bot = UploadRobot(url=photo.URL,
- useFilename=title,
- keepFilename=True,
- verifyDescription=False,
+ use_filename=title,
+ keep_filename=True,
+ verify_description=False,
bot._contents = photo.downloadPhoto().getvalue()
bot._retrieved = True
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 815f6a9..43fe432 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -344,9 +344,9 @@
if not skip:
bot = UploadRobot(photoUrl,
- useFilename=newFilename,
- keepFilename=True,
- verifyDescription=False)
+ use_filename=newFilename,
+ keep_filename=True,
+ verify_description=False)
return 1
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 1223f4b..14b000e 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
# Another rewrite by:
# (C) Multichill 2008-2011
-# (C) Pywikibot team, 2007-2019
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2007-2020
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@
CH += '[[Category:' + self.category + ']]'
bot = UploadRobot(url=self.imagePage.fileUrl(), description=CH,
- useFilename=self.newname, keepFilename=True,
- verifyDescription=False, ignoreWarning=True,
- targetSite=self.image_repo)
+ use_filename=self.newname, keep_filename=True,
+ verify_description=False, ignore_warning=True,
+ target_site=self.image_repo)
# Should check if the image actually was uploaded
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index a38582d..fc0e96b 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
# English Wikipedia specific bot by:
# (C) Multichill 2010-2012
-# (C) Pywikibot team, 2010-2019
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2010-2020
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
@@ -897,10 +897,10 @@
bot = UploadRobot(url=fields.get('imagepage').fileUrl(),
- useFilename=fields.get('filename'),
- keepFilename=True, verifyDescription=False,
- ignoreWarning=True,
- targetSite=pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons'))
+ use_filename=fields.get('filename'),
+ keep_filename=True, verify_description=False,
+ ignore_warning=True,
+ target_site=pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons'))
self.tagNowcommons(fields.get('imagepage'), fields.get('filename'))
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 6c0b369..ffab5e9 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
# (C) Andre Engels, 2004
-# (C) Pywikibot team, 2004-2019
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2004-2020
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@
pywikibot.output('Image description page is redirect.')
bot = UploadRobot(url=url, description=description,
- targetSite=self.targetSite,
- urlEncoding=sourceSite.encoding(),
- keepFilename=self.keep_name,
- verifyDescription=not self.keep_name,
- ignoreWarning=self.ignore_warning)
+ target_site=self.targetSite,
+ url_encoding=sourceSite.encoding(),
+ keep_filename=self.keep_name,
+ verify_description=not self.keep_name,
+ ignore_warning=self.ignore_warning)
# try to upload
targetFilename =
if targetFilename and == 'commons' \
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 809e75f..d1bcd55 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
# (C) Rob W.W. Hooft, Andre Engels 2003-2004
-# (C) Pywikibot team, 2003-2019
+# (C) Pywikibot team, 2003-2020
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
@@ -214,10 +214,10 @@
url = [url]
- bot = UploadRobot(url, description=description, useFilename=use_filename,
- keepFilename=keep_filename,
- verifyDescription=verify_description, aborts=aborts,
- ignoreWarning=ignorewarn, chunk_size=chunk_size,
+ bot = UploadRobot(url, description=description, use_filename=use_filename,
+ keep_filename=keep_filename,
+ verify_description=verify_description, aborts=aborts,
+ ignore_warning=ignorewarn, chunk_size=chunk_size,
always=always, summary=summary,
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 7eb1bd2..d34bd55 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
pywikibot/page/ N802
pywikibot/ : N802, N803, N806, N816
pywikibot/site/ N802, N815
- pywikibot/specialbots/ : N803, N806, N802
+ pywikibot/specialbots/ : F401
pywikibot/ : N801, N802, N803, N806, N816
pywikibot/ N802
pywikibot/tools/ N802
To view, visit
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Gerrit-Project: pywikibot/core
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: merged
Gerrit-Change-Id: Id332aa71064c556987a032f3f466bf1de3bd7a4a
Gerrit-Change-Number: 591083
Gerrit-PatchSet: 7
Gerrit-Owner: Xqt <info(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Dvorapa <dvorapa(a)>
Gerrit-Reviewer: jenkins-bot (75)