On behalf of ICOM Italia
Dear Colleagues, Happy new years! The Digital Cultural Heritage Research Group - ICOM ITALY have finished the first draft of the Faq and we have translated it into English, as follows: FAQs AUTHOR’S RIGHT, COPYRIGHT AND FREE LICENSES FOR CULTURE ON THE WEB. 100 questions and answers for museums, archives and libraries By Digital Cultural Heritage Research Group - ICOM ITALY. We’d like to propose you to participate to the revision of the english version, possibly within January 18,2021. For any suggestions and comments you may have, *even for specific sections of the work or single questions of interest for you*, please find here the link to intervene in the document: LINK https://docs.google.com/document/d/1--7gUtKU0z_TdsunnE-DGqonGfKnVGlH-kWsbju3... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1--7gUtKU0z_TdsunnE-DGqonGfKnVGlH-kWsbju3_as/edit?usp=sharing
Important: The FAQs are developed in the European copyright law framework, considering - whenever possible - also for the aim of practical format of the research work - the differences among the various legal systems, if relevant. When we use the term “copyright law”, we also refer to authors’ rights. This document is for information and disclosure purposes and does not constitute a technical and/or legal opinion. For specific cases, we recommend seeking advice on the particular situation.
// // The final document will be published on Commons and Zenodo in CC BY SA and on a Wikibook page so as to allow integrations to the texts, or translation from all the participants. Thank you in advance for your kind contribution, Digital Cultural Heritage Research Group - *ICOM ITALY* Sara Dominique Orlandi coordinator, Deborah De Angelis, Pierfrancesco Fasano, Cristina Manasse, Anna Maria Marras and Mirco Modolo