Dear OpenGLAM Community,
Don't forget to register for the Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon!
The 7th edition of the hackathon is hosted by the ETH Library in Zurich and will take place online on 16-17 April 2021.
There will be a side programme with workshops and presentations in the week before the hackathon, starting with an Onboarding Session on Friday, 9 April, 17:00 - 18:00 CEST.
Hackathon participants and data providers are invited to submit their hackathon challenges ahead of the event!
We are looking forward to seeing many of you at least virtually at the various sessions and at the hackathon itself!
Please help us spread the word and let us know if you have any questions, e.g. regarding the provision of new datasets!
Kind regards,
Beat Estermann
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_____________________________________________________ [OpenGLAM.ch_Logo.jpg] Beat Estermann Coordinator OpenGLAM CH http://openglam.ch Berne University of Applied Sciences Institute for Public Sector Transformation Brückenstrasse 73 CH-3005 Bern
Phone +41 31 848 34 38 GLAMhack 16-17 April 2021, online edition hosted by the ETH Library in Zurich - Register Now! Support us by becoming a Friend of OpenGLAM