Hi, recently I've completed a first version of API for the MobileFrontend extension[1]. It allows to retrieve content in a mobile-friendly format and is centered around two use cases:
1) Mobile site doesn't want its users to retrieve full pages at once. Instead, it displays the article lead along with section headings that have 'expand' buttons. When user clicks on those buttons, sections are loaded via the API and are shown to the user.
2) Our mobile app doesn't need to retrieve skin HTML for every page. It needs only page content.
The API extends core action=parse and thus it has all the niceties like retireval of extra information about the page such as sections or language links. Its description can be found at[2].
Your input needed: do you like it? Do you have another use cases for it? Maybe, you want it to do something else?
P.S. The complete rewrite by John Du Hart currently dubbed MobileFrontend2 can easily reuse this API and the class that converts HTML into mobile formats, as this code is isolated from the rest of MobileFrontend.
---- [1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MobileFrontend [2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MobileFrontend#New_API