More hopefully interesting data for you to digest...
We added some click tracking to the left menu (aka the 'hamburger menu') in the beta/alpha version of the mobile wiki sites to get a feel for how people use it.
My take on the data is the following theories (note this is skewed to users of beta who are likely to be a completely different profile to users of stable - it would be good to collect similar data on the stable version of the site to see how it differs):
* users click on the home button to escape special pages and get back to the search - this is why it is the most popular button. We should make the UI for special pages more consistent with article pages. * The watchlist is the feature of choice for logged in users * Nearby is a much more popular choice for anonymous users but doesn't seem to be used by editors to discover * Profile is a new addition and early data suggests a sense of identity might be more important on some projects rather than others * People seem to go to the settings page to switch between beta/alpha/stable frequently. It would be interesting to understand why - is it because features are broken, or they want new features? It would be good to reduce this - I'd like to get to the stage people feel more comfortable in one rather than the other - ideally lack of desire to switch modes suggests we are creating a comfortable environment for them to live in. * Random is actually a popular feature. We could probably make this feature between that a link in a menu you have to open first to get to. * Anonymous users don't tend to login directly from the left menu they are likely to be driven by a link to the feature they want to view
And the data: ******************************************************************************************** For enwiki beta/alpha logged in users [1]: hamburger-home 138 hamburger-watchlist 107 hamburger-settings 99 hamburger-random 71 hamburger-profile 57 hamburger-uploads 56 hamburger-nearby 37 hamburger-logout 21
For all beta/alpha wikis logged in users [2]: hamburger-home 302 hamburger-watchlist 263 hamburger-settings 216 hamburger-random 148 hamburger-uploads 115 hamburger-nearby 89 hamburger-profile 57 hamburger-logout 22
We recently added logging for anonymous users in beta and alpha [3] hamburger-home 383 hamburger-random 384 hamburger-settings 350 hamburger-nearby 171 hamburger-watchlist 158 hamburger-uploads 101 hamburger-login 6
Break down of what mode people are in whilst using settings [4]: alpha 127 beta 441 stable 30
[1] SELECT event_name, count(*) from MobileWebClickTracking_5929948 where event_name LIKE 'hamburger%' and event_username != '' and event_mobileMode!='stable' and wiki = 'enwiki' group by event_name [2] SELECT event_name, count(*) from MobileWebClickTracking_5929948 where event_name LIKE 'hamburger%' and event_username != '' and event_mobileMode!='stable' group by event_name [3] SELECT event_name, count(*) from MobileWebClickTracking_5929948 where event_name LIKE 'hamburger%' and event_username = '' and event_mobileMode!='stable' group by event_name [4] SELECT event_mobileMode, count(*) from MobileWebClickTracking_5929948 where event_name = 'hamburger-settings' group by event_mobileMode