According to on Thursday 23rd October (deployment day) both last modified links to history and profile suffered a huge dip in clicks.
The dip seems to half both counts, which makes me theorize that we were accidentally logging clicks here twice. The microtap code got merged on Tue Oct 14 so would have gone out to 16th and then enwiki 23rd and caused a lot of issues so could be responsible for this too..
If this is responsible, does this mean we made these 2 links unclickable for half our audience or did we simply just fail to log events for these 2 features? Or were we logging two events for a single event?
Note, micro tap was reverted Thu Nov 6. I'm not sure if and when this revert made it out to wikis. I'm not sure if we can expect the graph to recover or stay plateaued.
Any more concrete ideas/theories? Were there any notable code changes around that time to this part of code?