I tried again and I landed on a page actually containing {{Underlinked}} (the first one didn't).
Jon Robson, 09/02/2014 05:26:
Nemo try opting into beta mode via settings on left hand side menu and then revisit the main page and click the link - the beta mode is dropped when you follow the link . You'll see we __do__ give instructions on how to edit links - a big overlay at the bottom. Sorry I should have made this clearer in my original email.
I remember adding the parameter manually, maybe it was for another page or I wasn't watching the bottom of the screen attentively.
Find more words that could be links. Add double brackets around the word. e.g. [[guitar]] becomes guitar
Not "could", but "should". Every single word "could" be a link, but in most cases it shouldn't. If the official instructions "adding links that are relevant to the context within the existing text" is considered too wordy/complex, I suggest to use something like
Where the title of an existing article is mentioned, enclose it in double brackets: [[guitar]] becomes guitar
(5 characters more). The rest of my comments still applies; in particular I'm quite sad that we invite people to a task for which we offer a 2003-like experience (toolbar was introduced in 1.2.0, 2004-03-24).