.. well, that would be a bit too simplified, but there's food for thought in these two reports:
http://qz.com/466089/the-fastest-growing-mobile-phone-markets-barely-use-app... ("In Asia and Africa, websites made up 90% and 96% of mobile impressions, respectively, in the second quarter. Their habits are a sharp contrast to the US, where apps accounted for 91% of impressions. Globally, there’s a more even distribution, with apps making up 56% of mobile impressions and websites comprising the remainder.")
http://thenextweb.com/insider/2015/08/26/how-we-use-our-phones-is-changing-i... ("According to Yahoo’s data, the use of the browser on smartphones is quickly declining [in the US]. From 2013 to 2015, the company saw the usage time of the mobile browser drop by over 50 percent as they moved to native apps instead.")