THANK YOU Nuria and analytics team.
I cannot express how excited we are to have this ready in time for our upcoming major release.
We will prioritize switching off labs for our next beta iteration, which is preliminarily set to go out on the 26th of January. I will follow up with more specifics after the next iOS team planning this Tuesday.
Thanks, Josh
On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Nuria Ruiz wrote:
Pywik up and running for iOS (simple machine spin-up, if not finished in
Q2 FYI that we have a preliminary install of piwik in production that we can use for IOS Application[1]
Please let us know when you are ready to switch IOS app to this instance and stop using labs.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jon Katz Date: Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 12:25 PM Subject: Re: [Analytics] Preliminary goals for analytics infrastructure team To: "A mailing list for the Analytics Team at WMF and everybody who has an interest in Wikipedia and analytics."
Hi Nuria, Thank you for looking at these. I think your assessment is a fair representation of the asks. Just adding a new one (in green).
- Pywik up and running for iOS (simple machine spin-up, if not
finished in Q2)
- Input pageview data into tableau or some other non-query table maker
- 'is_spider' column in event logs (Based on regex of user agent-
based on conversation with Madhu and Kevin, I know its not going to get most of the bots)
- App session tables split by OS (per ticket: T117615
- Time on site (per: T119352
- Browser reports you mention in your current priorities (this is low
for us if it is in hive already, though you probably have other stakeholders)
- connection speed field...somewhere ;)
Also, to be clear, I am assuming that: Unique users/sessions are considered to be outside the scope of this prioritization. Let me know if I'm mistaken. I believe Toby will be scheduling some time to talk through the above at some point as well.
On Thu, Dec 3, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Nuria Ruiz wrote:
Some thoughts below (we will be creating tickets for some of these so we do not forget)
connection speed field...somewhere ;)
I think many teams will benefit from this one but as far as I can see there is no way to get this info (and it being correct) at this time. Performance team just recently opened a ticket in this regard and we saw it was not possible. See: and
'is_spider' column in event logs (Based on regex of user agent- based
on conversation with Madhu and Kevin, I know its not going to get most of the bots For eventlogging data? On the contrary, it will get most of the bot traffic. This is not true of our pageview data and I can explain in more detail via IRC why is that. Please let me know if I misunderstood this referring to EL.
App session tables split by OS (per ticket: T117615 Agreed. This should be part of the background work we do that is not related to goals.
.>Piwik up and running for iOS (simple machine spin-up, if not finished in Q2) This would be very useful for other things besides IOS but it is harder than it looks as holding production data requires proper infrastructure (to be able to abide to our privacy policy) and to be honest I do not think we can get there next quarter. I think Dan can add more detail here as we have tried to use Piwik before outside labs w/o success.
Input pageview data into tableau or some other non-query table maker
Need to think more about this use case.
On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 9:16 PM, Jon Katz wrote:
Hi Nuria, Thank you for publishing your draft so early and requesting feedback. I apologize for being so late in responding--the short holiday week caused a serious backlog on my end.
For now, I only have a preliminary prioritized list of reading requests for analytics in Q3 (and beyond). I can confirm by Friday. The following are in order of priority
- Pywik up and running for iOS (simple machine spin-up, if not
finished in Q2)
- Input pageview data into tableau or some other non-query table
- 'is_spider' column in event logs (Based on regex of user agent-
based on conversation with Madhu and Kevin, I know its not going to get most of the bots)
- App session tables split by OS (per ticket: T117615
- Browser reports you mention in your current priorities (this is
low for us if it is in hive already, though you probably have other stakeholders)
- connection speed field...somewhere ;)
I'd be happy to discuss more either via chat or email. Best,
On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 8:49 AM, Nuria Ruiz wrote:
Please see preliminary goals for the analytics infrastructure team next quarter. Replies to this thread with suggestions and feedback are welcome.
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