Hello everyone!
I just started as a technical assistant for Wikimedia Finland and my task is to teach GWToolset among other things. However, I have some problems with it since nothing gets uploaded to the Commons Beta.
Here is one record from my XML:
dc:authorSanteri Levas</dc:author> dc:subjectThe lady of the Ainola household sitting resting in the sun</dc:subject> <dc:source lang="en">The Finnish Museum of Photography</dc:source> <dc:source lang="fi">Suomen valokuvataiteen museo</dc:source> dc:rightsCc-by-sa-4.0</dc:rights> <url>http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7437/11064002985_a17cab711c_n.jpg</url>
Is there something wrong with it? Everything goes well to the final stage without errors but nothing is uploaded. Also the domain staticflickr.com seems to be on the whitelist.
Maybe you could help a newcomer little bit?
Best regards, Ari
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