Now some uploads run fast in the foreground and of course win over a background GWTs-job (~100s x slower). Perhaps we should share the room more equally, slow uploads can endanger projects, less to show to donors.
Regards, hans muller
Op Vr, 24 juli, 2015 5:02 pm schreef Brian Wolff:
On 7/24/15, Jason J. Evans wrote:
Thanks Brian
Yes more have now uploaded, but it will take days at the current speed. Does the process time-out at all or will it keep going as long as our servers are running?
It should keep going forever.
Also, do you have any suggestions as to why some images are timing out?
Thanks for your help.
I don't really know. The rate limiting mechanism for gwtoolset isn't the most smooth. Perhaps its trys to load too many at one time (overloading things for that instant), and then does nothing for like 20 minutes.
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