On Mon, 2013-11-11 at 19:40 +0100, Federico Leva (Nemo) wrote:
Alvaro del Castillo, 11/11/2013 17:51:
You can see it working in the Tech Community Metrics dashboard applied to mediawiki.org:
Right now it shows:
- Total page created and evolution in time of page creation.
- The same for editions
- The same for editors
Thanks! This will be interesting for the MediaWiki wikis without regular dumps. As for mediawiki.org, in your goals what is this service going to add to the main statistics http://stats.wikimedia.org/wikispecial/EN/TablesWikipediaMEDIAWIKI.htm ?
This is a development we're doing not in connection with our provision of metrics about MediaWiki, therefore it is not specifically aimed at improving the stats you currently have. In fact, it has been developed exactly for the scenario you mention: MediaWiki instances for which you want the get metrics via the API, not dumps.
We just thought it could be interesting to have it for WMF data too, specially if it was integrated with the rest of development activity. In addition, we're completely open to suggestions about how visualizations could be useful for you.
Some weirdnesses I noted:
Thanks a lot for these comments, they're very useful.